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Red pigments from beets, called betalains, help combat cancer March 16, 2020
Could this special red powder keep your doc from going OVERBOARD on chemo? The way most cancer docs PUMP chemo drugs into their patients… even when they don’t appear to be working… It’s no wonder that some folks with the disease REFUSE conventional treatments! But what if there were a way to beat back cancer […]
Compound in Japanese alder bark helps beat back cancer March 2, 2020
Most cancer docs BARKING up the wrong tree… and IGNORING this ‘birch bomb’ When you’ve got cancer, you haven’t got time to wait around for the “next big thing” to come out of Big Pharma. You might be tempted to take part in any clinical trial or drug experiment that’ll have you… But you need […]
Magic mushroom compound, psilocybin, relieves terminal cancer patients’ depression and anxiety February 26, 2020
Could this be the MAGIC BULLET for cancer patients who’ve lost all hope? Your doc will tell you there’s no “silver bullet”… or “magic pill”… to FIX the way you’re feeling. You’ve got cancer, and it’s serious. It’s threatening your life. Anyone would feel demoralized… depressed… and stressed out. But I’m here today to tell […]
Weird-looking root keeps cancer at bay… without DESTROYING your health! February 24, 2020
Here’s the thing about conventional cancer docs that really bugs me. They always try to crack a nut with a sledgehammer. That might be okay if it WORKED with just one hit… But they’ll WALLOP you over and over again to try to ERASE your cancer. And in the meantime, you feel like you’re SHATTERING […]
OBLITERATE cancer cells with eggplant extract February 18, 2020
It’s the most common type of cancer out there — one whose cases OUTNUMBER all other cancers COMBINED. Fortunately, even conventional medicine considers it “treatable”… with surgery and chemo. But those “treatments” can leave you DISFIGURED… and ASHAMED of how you look! And even then, they might not catch ALL of the cancer… sending you […]
This DOESN’T protect you against deadly flu… and WON’T fight your cancer! February 11, 2020
Now this is a dirty trick if I’ve ever seen one. The mainstream is capitalizing on the FEAR and DESPERATION of cancer patients… All in a ruse to find a way to SELL a vaccine. It’s not a cancer vaccine, mind you. It’s the flu shot! And because of the wide public mistrust over this […]
[Cancer alert] Stack the odds in your favor with this exotic ‘spice of life’ February 11, 2020
What are my chances, doc? When you get a cancer diagnosis, you just want to know how bad it is… and how long you’ve got left. Most conventional oncologists would insist that it depends on which TYPE of cancer you’ve got… Especially since certain cancers have EGREGIOUS survival rates. But there’s a natural cancer fighter […]
This ‘leaf flower’ is a cancer-killing POWERHOUSE… and here’s how it works February 6, 2020
When Big Pharma-funded scientists are developing new drugs, they must have blinders on… Because no matter what the disease, they only seem to come up with ONE ingredient to hit ONE target! But trying to treat cancer is like playing a game of Whac-a-Mole. There’s always something popping up somewhere ELSE that could take you […]
Mainstream docs DEPRIVING cancer patients of this promising therapy-booster? February 3, 2020
When you’ve got cancer, you’ve got your eyes focused on the prize. You’re going to beat this thing. And mainstream medicine promises to give you EVERY tool at its disposal. But for certain kinds of cancers, nearly every conventional treatment FAILS… after STEALING your body parts and DISFIGURING you! There’s something far less BARBARIC for […]
BLACKLISTED herb helps end cancer and chemo side effects... January 31, 2020
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CONQUER cancer with this fruit-based TRIPLE THREAT January 28, 2020
If you’ve got cancer, the mainstream will throw a trio of traditional therapies at you… But using chemo, radiation, and surgery to RID yourself of cancer is like using a blowtorch to light a candle. You just may burn your entire house down. Fortunately, there’s something else you can try… The healers of India call […]
Could your skin drugs be setting you up for CANCER? [Dead serious alert] January 28, 2020
Dealing with patchy, scaly skin that’s both INFLAMED and ITCHING up a storm can be INFURIATING. And then there’s the pain of open sores… and the infections that never seem to heal. Pretty much ANYTHING can trigger a flare-up… Which makes you want to wrap yourself up like a mummy… and never emerge from your […]