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Don’t let Big Pharma TERRORIZE you with its ‘safe’ diet drug December 3, 2018
It’s that time of year when the movie studios crank out the big-budget flicks to cash in on holiday crowds. But there’s one thing you can count on when you hit the movie theater… The more incredible the quote on the poster, the lousier the movie will be! It’s the same thing with meds. And […]
Weird-looking Siberian tree “fungus” holds secret cancer cure December 3, 2018
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Could this CRAZY therapy CURE Parkinson’s? November 27, 2018
If there’s one disease that’s made drug companies look ABSOLUTELY SILLY, it’s Parkinson’s. Big Pharma has spent a FORTUNE developing Parkinson’s drugs… and they’re practically WORTHLESS. In fact, practically EVERY major Parkinson’s breakthrough in recent years has involved a NON-DRUG or non-invasive therapy. And now it looks like we’re on the cusp of another one. […]
[Alert] Could there be ANTIFREEZE in your next IV? November 27, 2018
When you land in the hospital, you don’t JUST lose your independence. You lose practically all control over what gets put into your body. Some nurse always seems to be handing you a pill… or changing out an IV bag. You want to believe they’re helping you – but they could end up KILLING you […]
Strange “wood oil” KILLS cancer… and our government tried to hide it November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you spend this day surrounded by the people you love. But here’s the thing… I want you and everyone you care about to celebrate LOTS more Thanksgivings together. That’s why I bring you the latest life-saving cures you won’t hear about ANYWHERE else. And today I have a doozy… Because I’m […]
Weird tech gadget STOPS migraines in 30 minutes (NO pills required!) November 13, 2018
Big Pharma has discovered its latest cash cow. Migraines. Just between May and September of this year, there were THREE new drugs approved to prevent migraines. None of them are cheap… none of them stop you from getting migraines… and ALL of them come with side effects. Ready for a better way to beat migraines? There’s […]
Nun’s divine cancer cure… WIPED from history! November 6, 2018
You’ve probably never heard of Sister Mary Eymard Poydock before. And, trust me… that’s EXACTLY the way that mainstream medicine wants it. Decades ago, in a tiny, poorly funded laboratory at a Catholic university, Sister Eymard did the impossible. She developed a natural CURE for cancer. Tumors stopped growing… and literally DISAPPEARED. And Sister Eymard wasn’t just a nun – she was also a […]
Inside the wacky new plan to drug your EYEBALLS! November 5, 2018
Do you have EYEBALL-SCRATCH-ITOSIS? Cue the dramatic music… cut to scenes of sad-looking patients desperately rubbing their eyes, then shaking their heads to make sure everyone watching knows they’re still suffering. I bet you’re rubbing them right now, yourself, just thinking about it. And that, my friend, is how they get you. There’s a natural […]
[Urgent new warning] Could you get lead poisoning... from your hair dye? November 5, 2018
You’re only as old as you feel. But you don’t want to look in the mirror and see an old lady… when you feel like a million bucks! Coloring our hair as we get older helps keep our sense of dignity. No matter WHAT the calendar might say. But that boost of confidence has come at a price — we’ve been exposing our […]
[Attention Women] Are you being treated for cancer you DON’T HAVE?! November 2, 2018
It’s every woman’s nightmare. You feel a lump in your breast… or one shows up on your mammogram screening. In the best-case scenario, it’s nothing… and in the worst case, it’s cancer. But there is A LOT of gray area in between. There are MANY breast conditions that are NOT cancer… will NEVER become cancer… and usually […]
[Disgusting!] Chemical giant BURIES health hazards… and its victims October 31, 2018
We thought we’d won. Earlier this year, a jury ruled that Monsanto should pay $289 million in damages in the case of Dewayne “Lee” Johnson, a groundskeeper who’d used the company’s weedkiller, glyphosate. Over the course of four years, Johnson sprayed high concentrations of the chemical 20 to 30 times a year, for two to […]
[Alert] Don’t fall for this latest migraine drug SCAM October 17, 2018
How much would one day without migraines be worth to you? And be very careful how you answer that question – because Big Pharma is listening. The Food and Drug Administration has just approved a new migraine “prevention” drug that will practically EMPTY your bank account. And when you hear how poorly it works… how […]