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[Scam Alert] CRACKPOT ‘salt solution’ is nothing but a deadly POISON November 26, 2019
It’s about time that the feds did something right. The FDA first warned us about sodium chlorite-based health products back in 2010. And now the agency is back to sound an even more URGENT alarm. Too many innocent people have already been DEFRAUDED and MISLED into thinking that a dangerous industrial chemical can cure just […]
Alert! Don’t fall for this genetic testing SCAM October 24, 2019
There’s a special place in hell for people who scam seniors. And I hope there’s an even WORSE place in hell for criminals who target seniors worried about their health. I’m sure you’ve heard all about genetic testing before. Companies are promising it’s like a crystal ball for your health. With just a little saliva […]
[Revealed] World’s LEAST DEVELOPED countries overcome stomach-wrecking condition with THIS October 22, 2019
When you’ve got a gastric ulcer, you’re not just in pain. You’re bleeding on the inside… and ON FIRE in your chest and throat! You’ve got a 1 in 10 chance of developing a stomach ulcer at some point in your life… And some folks NEVER recover. It’s not poor hygiene… stress… or even “bad […]
Could these BP drugs turn the SANEST senior into a suicidal basketcase? October 21, 2019
When your doc put you on blood pressure drugs, he probably gave you a simple choice. Take these drugs… or die. They’ve always told us that that hypertension meds are SAVING us from heart failure… aneurysms… or even strokes. But what if these “wonder pills” are actually putting us in an early grave? A shocking […]
REBUILD lost bone… and BULK UP weak muscles… with this hormone trick October 17, 2019
You used to be so strong when you were younger. It seemed like you could go forever. Now, it’s a struggle just to get up. But getting older doesn’t mean you have to be FRAIL. If you’re more sluggish than you used to be… and you can’t even seem to stay on your feet… You […]
KICK the habit for good with this Eastern European ‘poison medicine’ October 16, 2019
Maybe it’s been so long, you can’t even remember the first time you ever “lit up.” Or you’ve tried quitting so many times… you figure you’ll just have to be buried with a “cancer stick” dangling from your lips. Kicking the habit is hard. It’s one of the hardest things you could do in your […]
The samurai secret to living 16 YEARS longer October 3, 2019
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ALERT! Useless brain test being FORCED on seniors September 25, 2019
I’ve been telling you for years about the SCAM ARTISTS in the medical testing industry. They have MILLIONS of women lining up to have radiation shot at their breasts… even though mammograms have NEVER been proven to extend lives. And they have countless guys FREAKING OUT every time their PSA score goes up… even though […]
DESTROY tumors by harvesting this ‘morning weed’ September 20, 2019
If there were something that could ERASE more than HALF of your cancer cells… And it was a vegetable you could eat, as safe as ANY leafy green… Would you wait even ONE SECOND to start chowing down? I know I wouldn’t. So why hasn’t ANYBODY heard of a Polynesian plant that’s been TREASURED for […]
Could this ‘ocean tree’ BANISH 99% of excess gas and bloating? September 17, 2019
If you’re lucky, you know it’s coming… And you can HOLD it in… or run away and HIDE it from everyone around you. But the WORST is when a pocket of gas arrives unannounced – and it ERUPTS out one end or the other. God forbid you’re in an elevator… or an airplane… or anywhere […]
REGROW a more youthful face… with this rainforest fern? September 12, 2019
When you start to get a little bit older… you become a scientist of your own aging process. Your bathroom mirror is your microscope – especially if you’ve got one of those magnified ones that lights up. You count the gray hairs… the sun spots… and the wrinkles. And you try to figure out just […]
BARRICADE yourself from stress with this mind-blowing ‘bug trick’ September 9, 2019
If there’s anything that can stress us out… it’s our health. A single complaint can set off a SNOWBALL EFFECT… And the stress can make you feel sicker than whatever was wrong in the first place! That’s why the key to fighting stress isn’t just stepping away from the stressful circumstance. Your body has to learn to become IMMUNE to […]