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The REAL impact of JUNK FOOD (shocking) June 13, 2023
Ah, the lure of JUNK FOOD… It tastes oh so good… and it’s super convenient… But deep down – even in moderation – you feel a little bit GUILTY when you indulge. That’s because you probably know that junk foods (and most fast foods) are nothing but empty calories, excess sugars and carbs, and are […]
The 3 most ABUSED drugs?! They might surprise you June 9, 2023
Remember the “Just Say No” drug campaigns during the 80s? I sure do – and they did a great thing at highlighting the dangers of drugs being sold on the streets that were harming kids and adults. Unfortunately, the illegal drug trade is obviously still alive and well. But I’ve got news for you… The […]
What IBUPROFEN is really doing to your INSIDES? June 7, 2023
The health risks of ibuprofen are hidden in plain sight… Yet, millions of Americans continue to reach for this popular, OTC pain killer… Despite its well-documented side effects (that are even by LAW listed on the product label!). If you believe the reward of taking ibuprofen outweighs the risks… today I have some news that […]
Is your BBQ discretely GRILLING your JOINTS? May 29, 2023
Happy Memorial Day! Today we salute the service and sacrifice of all our beloved veterans. I hope you carve out time today to rest, relax, and unwind with friends and family. As for me and my family? Today marks the official start of “grilling season”. We always fire up the grill and serve up burgers […]
The “perfect” diet just FLUNKED a major test! May 19, 2023
A-list singers and celebrities Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Hudson SWEAR by it… The American Heart Association gave it a PERFECT score… And while the latest news around this “new” DIET is promising… Today I’m obliged to tell you that, while it has plenty of buzz-worthy merit… It’s FLUNKING a major health test as far as […]
Simple test to stop a deadly FALL? May 9, 2023
Folks, today I have some SOBERING news about your health… And it has nothing to do with common, age-related health issues like heart disease, arthritis, or even stroke. It’s about FALLS. About one third of older people who live at home fall at least ONCE A YEAR… And, falls are the LEADING CAUSE of accidental […]
An “allergy” duo DESTROYS your JOINTS? April 19, 2023
You assume it happens because you’re working TOO HARD… Or that it’s just a biproduct of GETTING OLD… But being saddled with ARTHRITIS doesn’t always mean it comes from the most likely sources. And a new study sheds some light on just that. It turns out that a “duo” of allergies – that have NOTHING […]
3 psoriasis “triggers” in your medicine cabinet?! March 21, 2023
Whether it’s the itchy, flaky skin that has you covering up every inch of your body… Or the pain and inflammation in your joints… PSORIASIS goes way beyond your typical run-of-the-mill ‘skin condition.’ And when psoriasis spirals out-of-control, it impacts other organs and tissues… and can even lead to psoriatic arthritis – a form of […]
“Better-than-fish-oil” remedy stops ANY disease? March 10, 2023
Pop quiz. What do diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Crohn’s, and even Alzheimer’s ALL have in common? They are ALL caused by INFLAMMATION! Thing is, if you or a loved one is battling – or has EVER been diagnosed with – ANY disease, chances are your mainstream doc is practically salivating at […]
A pro tip on how to make the HEALTHIEST coffee March 3, 2023
Maybe you drink it for a morning ‘pick-me-up’… or you just love the taste and aroma. Whatever the reason, drinking coffee is a great way to boost your overall health. In fact, a hot cup of Joe not only tastes good… but provides a bevy of health benefits, like: Lowering your risk of diabetes… Burning […]
Seniors are living LONGER (here’s HOW you can too!) January 9, 2023
Let’s face it. There’s not a lot of GOOD news circulating the airwaves these days. But today, I’m here to share some health news we should ALL be celebrating… especially if you’re a senior. It’s something you probably haven’t seen on a network news station… but it’s sure to bring a smile to your face. […]
“Poor man’s potato” CALMS aching joints November 30, 2022
If mainstream medicine had a sure-fire way to relieve the pain of aching joints caused by arthritis, it certainly doesn’t pass the eye test. Just take a walk down the “pain relief” aisle at your local pharmacy! I can’t count on both hands the number of pills or creams that promise to ZAP joint pain. […]