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This “mineral” a day keeps DEMENTIA away? April 14, 2023
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We are ALL familiar with iconic slogan. But today I’m switching things up and taking that slogan in another – potentially lifesaving – direction. It’s a “mineral” you can eat (just like an apple) … and if you add it to YOUR diet, it could very well […]
Knee replacement in your future? Consider this “needle” recovery March 27, 2023
The orthopedist tells you it’s going to be a BRAND-NEW knee… And that eventually you’ll FEEL BETTER. Sure, a knee replacement can give most folks a new lease on life that isn’t saddled with daily pain and discomfort. But getting to that point? Well, it’s a very LONG recovery… and even a dangerous one shortly […]
Blood pressure secret… in your GUT?! February 22, 2023
If there’s one thing that makes MY blood pressure (BP) shoot through the roof… It’s this incessant MYTH that one (or a few) “high” BP readings mean you definitely have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Maintaining a healthy BP isn’t a silly game of throwing a pill at the problem and hoping for the best. It’s about […]
What this new heart-healthy “diet” is MISSING February 7, 2023
Folks, another “new” diet with plenty of PROMISE is making the rounds… With researchers saying it could SLASH your risk of heart disease by 10% — in just TWO MONTHS. I’ve read the data and can confirm that this isn’t some “fad” diet… But I can also tell you that, despite its positive benefits for […]
Parsley ‘relative’ ERASES unsightly varicose veins? January 17, 2023
Varicose veins can be tricky to define… but you DEFINITELY know them when they you see them! Most folks are EMBARRASSED to show their legs in public because they are covered in bulging, discolored varicose veins… But while you may not want anyone else to see those veins, they’re definitely something you need to keep a […]
Unpopular root veggie BEATS high blood pressure in HOURS! January 13, 2023
You’ll never hear Big Pharma ever admit it… But the reality is, when it comes to high blood pressure (BP), “treating” it isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. For starters, one high BP reading doesn’t mean you have “hypertension” (the fancy term for high blood pressure). And don’t even get me started on hypertension medications. They’re loaded […]
Big Pharma’s SLEAZIEST blood pressure ‘myth’ yet! January 4, 2023
You probably remember that moment your blood pressure reading first skirted above ‘normal’ … And what happened after that? Well, you can bet the farm that your doctor insisted you start taking BP medication… IMMEDIATELY! Because to them the answer is always DRUGS, DRUGS, and MORE DRUGS! But if you’re one of the millions of […]
15-minute ‘stretch’ LOWERS blood pressure (Study) December 27, 2022
When it comes to controlling your blood pressure – especially if your doc has deemed it “high” – it’s never about what you can DO to lower it… It’s about what you can TAKE! Nearly 34 million Americans take some kind of blood pressure prescription medication. That’s more than the population of Texas! And I’ll […]
Lower BP reading 7 points… with DAIRY? December 20, 2022
It’s one thing that grinds my gears… and frankly, sends MY blood pressure through the roof… And that’s when doctors take your blood pressure, examine your readings, and then tell you that it’s “HIGH.” (Even if it’s barely a tick ABOVE a normal level!) From there they say that the only way to lower your […]
A BIOHAZARD swimming in your drinking water? November 17, 2022
How many times a day do you slip a glass under your tap and fill it with crisp, refreshing water? If you’re getting the right amount of water a day – that number should be fairly high! And while it’s great that you’re keeping hydrated…it might be time to consider one of those water filters […]
[WARNING] Big Pharma's 'solution' for deadly sleep condition? October 25, 2022
Folks, I’ll cut to the chase. Sleep apnea is no joke. This sleep disorder that affects nearly ONE MILLION people worldwide goes way beyond loud snoring… If left unchecked or untreated, it can cause you to stop breathing for 10 seconds or more at a time… can increase your risk for hypertension… heart disease… type […]
Ignore the newest BP 'scare tactic' with this French tree bark October 17, 2022
High blood pressure… the three words mainstream medicine LOVES to use to scare the bajeezus out of you! And the latest news about managing blood pressure (BP) is enough to send a slight uptick into a full-blown geyser! “Not Enough Older Americans Are Checking Blood Pressure At Home” So, not only have you been labeled […]