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SLASH migraine suffering by nearly HALF with this forehead trick November 3, 2020
Big Pharma wants you to take a pill for EVERYTHING. But if you suffer from migraines, you know that no matter WHAT you swallow… It’s nearly impossible to get relief. Fortunately, there’s a way to SNUFF OUT migraines… and EMERGE from those dark rooms… With ZERO drugs. It’s a simple tech gadget that can SLAM the brakes on a migraine […]
Big Pharma wants to STAB your knee to erase OA pain September 21, 2020
I’ve got to hand it to Big Pharma… They’ve really got a way of COMPLICATING the simplest, most time-tested remedies… just so they can make a buck off them! And they’re back at it – this time with a proven pain reliever that’s cheap, widely available, and safe. So what do those drug execs do? […]
Send nerve pain PACKING with this crazy ‘heat trick’ August 3, 2020
If you’re suffering from diabetic nerve pain… I’ve got good news for you today. And it comes from… are you ready for this?… the FDA. The feds have acknowledged that a safe and natural pain reliever… one that contains ZERO opioids… can help alleviate this DISABLING complication of diabetes. This type of neuropathy has been […]
CRACK OPEN a secret to fighting infections with this ‘immunity oil’ July 17, 2020
As God as my witness, sometimes I wonder whether today’s docs learned ANYTHING in medical school… Other than how to write a prescription. I don’t know what kind of training makes some docs think that some drugs are a “cure-all”… When the science just isn’t there to back that theory up. And if you’ve ever […]
Could this pain med combo SUFFOCATE the life out of you? [Double trouble!] January 8, 2020
Imagine feeling so confused, you don’t know where you are… And you can barely stay awake. In fact, you might not be able to wake up at all. Your breathing might become so show and shallow… your skin turns blue. Your loved ones who care for you feel utterly helpless. Because what began as a […]
BLACKLISTED 'quitter weed' helps you DITCH the pack-a-day habit September 4, 2019
You’ve tried every patch… stick… chewing gum… and pill. And you’ve still got a hankering to “light up.” You KNOW that smoking can have DISASTROUS effects on your health… not the least of which is JACKING UP your cancer risk. But the latest headlines are making even so-called “safer” alternatives — like vaping — sound […]
Do this 1 thing before bed to RELIEVE the backup in your bowels August 29, 2019
There could be any NUMBER of reasons why going “Number Two” has become a struggle. You could be stressed out… traveling… or otherwise off your regular routine. Maybe something you ate bound you up…or some meds you took dried you up. Constipation is common among patients who are taking opioid painkillers… and those undergoing chemotherapy. […]
Incan bark extract can save your heart… but the money-grubbing mainstream has BLACKLISTED it! March 6, 2019
Imagine having a rare heart disorder… knowing that there’s a CURE that could SAVE your LIFE… and NOT being able to get it. It’s legal… it’s cheap… and it’s natural. But the gatekeepers at Big Pharma don’t want you to have it. And the feds are in on it. That’s what’s going on right now […]
JUNK science used to SUPPRESS this ‘swamp secret’ for upset stomach February 25, 2019
Gut troubles are as old as mankind. Since our prehistoric ancestors first emerged from the cave… and hunted or gathered something to eat… food has managed to turn against us at one time or another. And when it does… when the rumblings set in and the pain and bloating won’t quit… nothing can feel more debilitating. […]
Senior moments? Put the pedal to the metal with this BLACKLISTED ‘mental accelerator’ January 25, 2019
Are you ready to think faster… and recall names and faces more quickly? Imagine having your friends and family members tell you how sharp and quick-witted you seem! No more absent-mindedness… goodbye, brain burps… and farewell to those frustrating “senior moments.” It could all turn around for you in just two days… There’s a derivative of a […]
Snakebite Cure Brings MS Sufferers the Relief the Mainstream CAN’T: Bitter Indian plant reduces the MOST disabling MS symptom by 44% January 3, 2019
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Health Sciences Institute - Big Pharma’s deadly deceptions know no bounds September 17, 2018
Dear Reader, It’s something we don’t like to talk about… something so heartbreaking that we’d rather believe it doesn’t happen. But the truth of the matter is that kids are considering, attempting, and even succeeding in taking their own lives. The number of suicides in kids and adolescents is on the rise. Of course, a […]