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Osteoarthritis triggers WHAT?! (Scary) February 8, 2023
They call osteoarthritis the “wear-and-tear” arthritis. And for the folks that DON’T live with it, they might assume that it’s NOT THAT BAD. But if you suffer with the aches and pains that come with osteoarthritis – in your hands, wrists, knees, and even your hips… You’re living proof that this “wear-and-tear” can be a […]
What this new heart-healthy “diet” is MISSING February 7, 2023
Folks, another “new” diet with plenty of PROMISE is making the rounds… With researchers saying it could SLASH your risk of heart disease by 10% — in just TWO MONTHS. I’ve read the data and can confirm that this isn’t some “fad” diet… But I can also tell you that, despite its positive benefits for […]
HEADACHES a precursor for more ILLNESSES? (Study) February 2, 2023
Headaches coming all shapes, sizes, and severity. And while we’ve all joked that something is “GIVING YOU A HEADACHE” … There’s one type of headache that can be so PAINFUL and MISERABLE that it makes it practically impossible to “power through” your day. But a new study highlights just how severe these types of headaches […]
30 min “coffee” hack MELTS body fat (Study) January 30, 2023
You work out like crazy… Practically starve yourself… Try every fad diet known to man… And maybe reach for a supplement that promises to boost your workouts. But when the scale barely moves AND your clothes are still as tight as ever? Well, you’re probably tempted to GIVE UP and throw in the towel! DON’T! […]
“Climbing” flower naturally EASES hemorrhoids January 24, 2023
I’m bordering on “too much information” here… But raise your hand if you’ve ever had HEMORRHOIDS. It’s okay, don’t be embarrassed if your answer is “YES.” Because the REALITY is that about HALF of adults over the age of 50 have experienced the pain and irritation of hemorrhoids. And getting rid of them isn’t much […]
‘Forbidden’ fruit CUTS DOWN muscle soreness 50% January 4, 2023
You may not be a spring chicken anymore… but that’s not stopping you from getting outside, doing a little ‘grunt work’ around the house, or even hitting the gym for a good workout. But have you ever woken up the next day so SORE that you feel like you were hit by a truck? Well, […]
Psoriasis ‘trigger’ in your medicine cabinet? January 2, 2023
Whether it’s the itchy, flaky skin that causes you to cover up every square inch of your body… or the pain and inflammation it causes in your joints… Living with PSORIASIS goes way beyond your run-of-the-mill ‘skin condition.’ To make matters worse, psoriasis symptoms can be WORSE the older you get. And even if you’ve […]
Ladies: Is your doc giving you the WRONG UTI medication?! December 30, 2022
Ladies, it’s a classic case of adding insult to injury. Because when you go to your doc for that “down there” pain… to learn you have yet ANOTHER urinary tract infection (UTI)… You’re NOT being given the best-of-the-best treatment! In many cases you’re getting the LAZIEST option possible – just to get you out of […]
Constant FATIGUE a warning sign of a deadly condition? December 29, 2022
There’s no shame in feeling tired every now and again. Even I’ll admit that I’m still feeling a little tired and rundown from the hustle-and-bustle of the holidays. But for many older adults, what starts out as feeling ‘tired’ can lead to constant FATIGUE… Fatigue that never seems to go away… no matter how much […]
Sunshine’ trick CUTS multiple sclerosis risk 50%?! December 21, 2022
Multiple sclerosis (MS) isn’t just a “condition.” This autoimmune disease causes body-wrecking symptoms from the inside out like… A loss of vision… the inability to speak… numbness in your limbs… depleted energy levels… even memory issues and pain! And once MS takes control, you could lose your independence in the blink of an eye… with […]
Shingles SURGES stroke risk 30% (Here’s how to HALT it) December 13, 2022
You THOUGHT it was all over years ago when you had chickenpox… But the virus that causes chickenpox is NOTORIOUS for coming back to haunt folks DECADES later… Returning in the form of SHINGLES. When shingles “wakes up”, it leads to blistering rashes… nerve pain… and a burning sensation. Shingles doesn’t just make you feel […]
Immune-boosting antioxidant 6,000x STRONGER than vitamin C?! December 2, 2022
If you managed to get through the Thanksgiving holiday without getting a cold, virus, or some kind of other bug… Kudos to you! But that doesn’t mean your immune system won’t go unscathed the rest of the holiday season. And with Christmas right around the corner, who doesn’t want to keep their immune system top-notch? […]