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BANISH inflammatory issues with this native ‘flower fat’ January 14, 2021
If you’ve ever gotten sick… and recovered… you know how a strong immune system can be your biggest hero. But in some folks, their immune reactions are TOO strong… And it can become their WORST enemy! Fortunately, you don’t have to be STUCK with whatever immune response you were born with… Especially if it’s overactive. […]
Natural pain pill stifles SCREAMING pain [Alternative to CBD?] December 30, 2020
If you’ve experienced pain that PERSISTS… The type of pain that’s absolutely RELENTLESS in its attack… You might think there’s NOTHING out there that can help you. But that’s just not true. There’s a natural way to IMPROVE comfort — by getting to the ROOT CAUSE of your pain. In fact, it can leverage your […]
SCORCH winter colds with this chili secret December 16, 2020
If you happen to catch a cold this winter… and I pray you don’t… There’s a “heat trick” you should have in your back pocket. It could help you breathe a little easier… And relieve some of the complaints that make even minor respiratory infections so MISERABLE. From a STUFFY nose… to PACKED sinuses… and […]
Is this Rx drug DRAINING your joints of this CRUCIAL vitamin? December 2, 2020
Your doc has told you that your blood is “too thick”… or that you’ve got a condition like atrial fibrillation (afib)… And that you’re in the crosshairs for a clot. OF COURSE you’re scared… And of course you’ll do anything your doc says to keep a clot from reaching your lungs… heart… or brain. But […]
‘Blessed seed’ oil puts a lid on these SUFFOCATING conditions December 1, 2020
One minute, it can feel like your airways are UNDER ATTACK… And the next, it can feel like your own respiratory system is ATTACKING YOU! If you suffer from any kind of breathing troubles… whether they’re acute flare-ups or chronic issues… You might think that you need something HEAVY DUTY to calm the storm that’s […]
Weird ‘cucumber trick’ ERASES joint stiffness and BANISHES pain November 25, 2020
Isn’t it CRAZY how mainstream medicine hasn’t figured out ANY good way to relieve the discomfort of arthritis? You could take POWERFUL painkillers… And yet STILL suffer from stiff, swollen joints that LIMIT your mobility… and make your quality of life take a NOSEDIVE. Fortunately, there’s an entire KINGDOM of plants that could RESCUE you […]
Keep skin cancer at bay with this FORGOTTEN medicine chest staple November 5, 2020
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IGNORING this could make you LOSE your memories! November 4, 2020
A lot has happened this year that most of us wouldn’t necessarily mind forgetting… But when push comes to shove, our memories are the #1 thing we’ve got worth saving. And most of us would do ANYTHING to make sure our precious memories stay under lock and key. So, it’s CRUCIAL that we don’t rest […]
Get BACK on your feet with this Indian ‘pain powder’ October 9, 2020
It’s the most common form of arthritis… And it affects HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people. If you’re one of them, you know how the PAIN and STIFFNESS of osteoarthritis are enough to keep you off your feet. And how all your doc has to offer are drugs with SCARY side effects… or an INVASIVE joint […]
Send OA pain packing with this Amazonian ‘garlic weed’ [Better than aspirin?] October 8, 2020
You’re not just in pain… You’re so stiff… you can barely get around! Don’t let worn-out joints DISABLE you… or force you to DEPEND on anybody else. You can KEEP doing the things you love… Even if you’ve got the “wear and tear” form of arthritis, known as osteoarthritis. Because there’s a way to send […]
Big Pharma wants to STAB your knee to erase OA pain September 21, 2020
I’ve got to hand it to Big Pharma… They’ve really got a way of COMPLICATING the simplest, most time-tested remedies… just so they can make a buck off them! And they’re back at it – this time with a proven pain reliever that’s cheap, widely available, and safe. So what do those drug execs do? […]
DIAL BACK pain with this natural pain pill [Alternative to CBD?] September 15, 2020
If you’ve experienced pain that PERSISTS… The type of pain that’s absolutely RELENTLESS in its attack… You might think there’s NOTHING out there that can help you. But that’s just not true. There’s a natural way to IMPROVE comfort — by getting to the ROOT CAUSE of your pain. In fact, it can leverage your […]