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Underestimated kitchen spice SUPPRESSES crippling pain June 1, 2020
You’ve learned to recognize a flare-up from that very first tingle… But when a gout attack begins to take hold, it can feel like you’ve got to sit back HELPLESSLY… and wait for it to CRIPPLE you. Whether the STABBING pain is isolated to your big toe… or it SPREADS like wildfire… It can keep […]
OBLITERATE menopause misery with this crazy ‘candy cure’ May 28, 2020
When “the change” hits, most older gals can’t find much reason to celebrate, Instead of celebrating the long, fruitful lives they’ve led… and the many years yet to come… They feel MISERABLE! Menopause can feel like Mother Nature is putting you through the RINGER, as you’re PILING ON pounds and BROILING with hot flashes. And […]
Send your immunity’s defenses to BOOT CAMP with 1 simple pill May 26, 2020
Most of the time, we don’t even know how hard our immune systems are working to protect us. We can’t FEEL it… or SEE it… But it’s there, working TIRELESSLY to keep us healthy and well. We really only take notice when something goes WRONG… and an infection-causing pathogen sneaks past our defenses and trips […]
BREAKTHROUGH spice science sends blood sugar woes PACKING May 22, 2020
Once type 2 diabetes shows up at your door, everything changes. You’ve got to WATCH every single bite… You may have to monitor your blood sugar MULTIPLE times a day… And don’t forget about all those pills your doc wants you to take. Managing type 2 diabetes is a full-time job. And your boss is […]
Drug-free flu fighter SLAMMED by feds, despite benefits May 20, 2020
Every year, there’s a flu that RAGES through our communities… and even our families. So-called experts tell us we just have to “live with it”… and, of course, get a flu shot to supposedly “protect” us. But they NEVER really know WHICH strain of influenza will take hold any given winter. So, when the vaccine […]
SNAP back into focus… and REBOOT your brain… with this ancient ‘cherry root’ May 13, 2020
Anytime you forget a name or a face… or lose your place in the middle of a story… you’re quick to place the blame on ANYTHING besides your own aging brain. You’ve become a pro at making excuses for yourself! You’re busy… you didn’t get much sleep last night… or maybe you haven’t had much […]
Memory DERAILED? Ancient ‘brain grain’ gets it back on track May 11, 2020
Losing your train of thought is one thing… Believe me, it happens to the best of us. But losing your grip on your precious memories… and beloved names and faces? That’s something NOBODY wants to EVER go through themselves… or watch a loved one struggle with. Those more serious kinds of cognitive issues AREN’T a […]
UNLEASH the cancer-killing power of this ‘fever flower’ May 8, 2020
You’ve got cancer. And you’ve been around the block enough to know what comes next… Your mainstream doc will dole out the same 3-part treatment he’s been using for years. I’m talking about chemo… radiation… and surgery. But this “triple threat” ISN’T foolproof… And any one of them… if not ALL of them… could THREATEN […]
RECOVER from cough and cold in just days with this Zulu herb May 6, 2020
Your throat is scratchy… And you’ve got that sinking feeling. It’s NOT allergies… and you’re NOT just feeling “off.” You’re SICK. But you waited too long to take PREVENTATIVE measures like echinacea and elderberry… and you don’t want to feel MISERABLE just waiting it out. It’s not too late for you… Fortunately, there’s ANOTHER herbal […]
‘Wonder root’ balances blood sugar… and helps it hit a PERFECT ‘sweet spot’ April 30, 2020
Managing diabetes can feel like playing catch-up… Because you could be either overshooting your mark… or falling short. That “mark,” of course, is your blood sugar numbers. Your doc will HOUND you about them if they’re too high… or too low. And he won’t leave you alone until he considers them PERFECT. But many diabetics […]
Ancient Indian duo REVERSES depression and anxiety—in less than 2 MONTHS?! April 30, 2020
These exotic herbs can ELIMINATE overwhelming stress and worry! By Melissa Young Director, Health Sciences Institute In uncertain times like these, it’s easy to let stress, anxiety, and fear rule your life. After all, people are dying from an incredibly deadly virus—an illness we’ve never seen before. Entire countries are shut down… schools are empty… and the […]
Revealed! Ruby-red powder FIGHTS cancer and cuts tumor growth IN HALF April 30, 2020
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