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DISARM early aging with this cellular ‘repair kit’ May 2, 2022
When your body ages FASTER than how many years you’ve actually got under your belt… You could end up looking older than you really are. Premature aging could put you in the crosshairs for age-related diseases… And maybe even early death. And there’s a MAJOR culprit behind it — an unseen enemy that’s constantly BOMBARDING […]
Aging vessels GROWING YOUNGER? Vitamin hack could hold the key April 22, 2022
Friend, while YOU’RE getting older… so are your blood vessels. That’s why as you age, your blood flow takes MORE EFFORT. Sometimes, even blood pressure goes up. It’s all a part of what scientists call “vascular decline”… And it could affect not only your heart health… but also vision… brainpower… and even muscle strength. And […]
Knee pain WAGING WAR on your independence? Call for a CEASEFIRE with this leaf trick March 16, 2022
You can’t remember the last time your knees felt GOOD… And the pain is starting to HINDER your ability to do the things you love. I’m talking about getting in and out of the car… making it to the 19th hole… taking your sweetie for a spin on the dancefloor… Or even just puttering around […]
TOUCH UP aging skin with this Swiss herb secret March 2, 2022
With all the time we’ve spent behind a windshield and in front of a screen in our lives… Our skin has taken a beating as we’ve aged. And boy, does it show. Getting “freckles” when we were young used to be cute… But now they’re “sun spots”… and they make us look OLD! Friend, we […]
TAME a raging case of type 2 with this ‘bull secret’ February 23, 2022
Friend, if your doc is warning you about elevated blood sugar levels… I encourage you to take it seriously. Because type 2 diabetes ISN’T always just one disease. Not for everybody, anyway. It could START with glucose levels that spin out of control… But it could lead to a heaping mess of other conditions, like […]
Grab a handful of these ‘wolf berries’ to put aging vision in LOCKDOWN February 15, 2022
Your eye doc will tell you that you’re at “that age” when it just happens. You can’t see as well as you used to. He’ll tell you to start wearing readers… or he’ll change your prescription. I remember the first time I was told I had to wear bifocals. The horror! But corrective lenses don’t […]
DELAY premature aging with this ‘Indian gold’ February 8, 2022
Friend, “growing old” wouldn’t be so bad… If it didn’t ALSO mean getting SICK… becoming WEAK… and losing your INDEPENDENCE! “Old age” is bad enough… without becoming old and USELESS. But I’ve got good news for you today… Aging doesn’t have to be that way. And you don’t have to DREAD your later years. They […]
ANNIHILATE visible signs of aging with this Japanese trick January 19, 2022
They say that the first signs of aging appear on your hands. Friend, when you look down at your own hands, how old do YOU look? If brown spots and discoloration are making you look OLDER than you actually ARE… Whether they’re on your hands or your face, neck, and chest… There’s a “skin brightener” […]
Are your aging eyes MISSING this ‘longevity molecule’? January 5, 2022
Remember when you NEVER had to see an eye doc… because your vision was already PERFECT? You’d brag about how FAR AWAY you could see… reading distant signs from behind the wheel… And how CLOSE you could see, too… holding the newspaper and menus practically right up to your nose. My, how things have CHANGED! […]
Aging gals finally finding RELIEF thanks to this ‘miracle root’ January 4, 2022
Friend, going through menopause doesn’t make you any LESS of a woman. But it does present some, shall we say, UNIQUE challenges to growing older gracefully. It can make your “lady parts” SO uncomfortable… you no longer want to be with your husband. And hot flashes and night sweats can persist YEARS… or even DECADES… […]
‘Moisture molecule’ helps REVIVE dried-out, aging tissues December 29, 2021
Your joints are creaking… your bones are rattling… And when you look in the mirror… you LOOK just as old as you FEEL. “Growing old” is some folks’ WORST nightmare… But you don’t have to take aging lying down. And you don’t have to make a deal with the devil in order to experience LASTING […]
A few dabs of this CHASES AWAY signs of aging December 1, 2021
Ever notice how getting older is just EXHAUSTING? I’m not just talking about a lack of sleep (although there’s that). You could STILL be getting your 8 hours a night… and be DRAGGING your feet during the day. That’s because our energy levels rely on little power plants that exist in every single cell in […]