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Hidden culprit behind BLINDING headache… REVEALED! February 8, 2021
The pain is BLINDING… And I don’t just mean figuratively. You LITERALLY could lose your vision from this type of migraine! And that blindness could become PERMANENT. It’s not a brain tumor… but it’s not just a regular ol’ headache, either. It’s a condition that, at one time, would occur only once in a blue […]
Weekly routine could ERASE blood pressure worries [Get ready to relax!] January 12, 2021
January isn’t even HALF over… And I think we can all agree that we’re already ready for a break. I’m not sure what we thought would happen when the calendar flipped over to the year 2021… but this sure ain’t it. If stress is running high… you need to worry about the effect it could […]
Could THIS drug help GIVE you gout? [It could definitely WORSEN the condition!] December 4, 2020
Big Pharma would have you think that it’s got a drug for EVERYTHING. But today’s pharma execs are no better than those old “snake oil” salesmen. The scam has just gotten MORE widespread… MORE profitable… and MORE insidious! And too many drugs are HARMING patients… rather than HEALING their conditions. Take gout, for instance. Patients […]
KNOCK blood pressure readings down a notch or two… without drugs! October 28, 2020
Even if your blood pressure goes just a little high… your doc might start SALIVATING over all the drugs he can try out on you. What he WON’T tell you is that a couple of points in your “top” or “bottom” numbers may be nothing to worry about – especially if you’re on the older […]
‘Longevity berry’ the key to EXTENDING lifespan? October 15, 2020
Once you reach a certain age, you stop focusing on how many years you’ve already lived… And start counting down the years you might have left. None of us will live forever. But friend, I hope you live as long… as healthily… and as happily as possible. That’s why I’m excited today to share with […]
Keep your blood pressure from CLIMBING with this highland vine October 1, 2020
You take your health seriously… and want to make sure your blood pressure is PERFECT. But while your doc may offer you meds that are supposedly powerful… and effective… They’re NOT natural. And like any pharmaceutical, they come with risks. Fortunately, there’s another way to stop hypertension in its tracks… and keep your BP numbers […]
Turkey trick BOOSTS blood flow for MAXIMUM heart health [Early Thanksgiving?] September 29, 2020
It’s a vicious cycle. If your blood pressure SPIKES, it could ACTIVATE an enzyme that DRAINS you of a nutrient that helps keep BP numbers in check. And if your blood sugar is SOARING, it could send your levels of that same nutrient into a NOSEDIVE… leaving you in the crosshairs for vessel issues that […]
Aztec offering delivers a LETHAL blow to cancer cells [10X better than chemo!] September 24, 2020
Your cancer doc will tell you he’s doing the best he can… But if he’s STICKING to conventional therapies… and IGNORING natural therapies… He can do BETTER. And the science CONFIRMS it. Because there are drug-free ways to help beat back cancer… and ways to make drugs MORE EFFECTIVE against cancer and LESS HARMFUL to […]
IGNORED brain nutrient helps keep glaucoma from STEALING your vision August 27, 2020
If you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma, there’s a good chance that the “red flag” for your eye doc was increased intraocular pressure (IOP) – a condition also known as ocular hypertension. That’s why “hypotensive therapy” – a.k.a. BP-lowering meds, like beta blockers – is so commonly prescribed for glaucoma patients. There’s a problem with that… […]
RENEW your high BP battle plan with this Persian treasure August 3, 2020
Your doc sits you down… And tells you that you’re at risk of heart attack… heart failure… stroke… and more. How does he know? Well, it’s right there on your chart. Your BP numbers are higher than they should be… and they’re NOT budging. So he tells you that if you want to avoid deadly […]
Summer staple… or OVERLOOKED heart hero? [Here’s the scoop] June 30, 2020
If your doc has been on your back about your heart health, you’ve got PLENTY to worry about. He could be PUSHING meds… OBSESSING over your numbers… and CRACKING DOWN on your diet and exercise. Translation: He’s STRESSING you out! And that doesn’t do any good for your cardiovascular wellbeing. Fortunately, there’s a way to […]
BLOCK bleeds from invading your brain… before it’s too late! June 16, 2020
You’ve done everything right — EVERYTHING they’ve told you to do to keep your blood flowing free and easy through your body. NOTHING will stand in the way. Blood clots? Nope! You’re taking blood thinners. Cholesterol globs blocking your arteries? NEVER! You’re taking statins. But the latest research shows how in spite of taking those […]