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‘Red wine’ nutrient SLASHES fracture risk in brittle, aging bones July 21, 2020
Here’s my question for you today… How are your bones holding up? Because if you’re an older gal… and you’ve already gone through “the change”… they could probably use a little boost. After menopause, plummeting hormone levels are often associated with thinning bones… And that can set you up for back pain… disability… and even […]
SHORE UP aging bones and muscles with this Asian tea trick July 16, 2020
You know the old phrase, “Use it or lose it”? Well, you could be staying ACTIVE… and even INDULGING in your favorite hobbies… And you STILL could be losing bone and muscle mass! No matter how much you TRY to keep using them. But you don’t need to accept a SENTENCE of living the rest […]
ESCAPE the clutches of Lyme disease with this Peruvian bark trick July 15, 2020
Officials say that 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease… EVERY YEAR. But since Lyme masquerades as other diseases… like chronic fatigue and even Alzheimer’s… There must be LOTS MORE cases that have gone UNDIAGNOSED… and UNTREATED. Even if you KNOW you’ve got Lyme, it’s notoriously difficult to treat. Some folks struggle for YEARS… even […]
Suppress RA… without SACRIFICING your immune defenses! July 8, 2020
If you’ve been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, you’ve become an EXPERT on the symptoms. As it systemically ATTACKS multiple joints, it leaves you feeling sore… swollen… tender… inflamed… But DAMPENING the symptoms of RA won’t ERASE the disease. You’ve got to ZERO IN on its root cause. And to do that, it’s important to know […]
Could this bathroom staple be a devastating BONE-BREAKER? July 2, 2020
If this ONE THING happens… well, you can toss your independence right out the window. I’m talking about a hip fracture. At some point in their “golden years,” approximately HALF of American women… and 1 in 4 American men… over age 50 will break a bone. And ladies, you’re especially in the crosshairs after menopause. […]
[Warning] Even LOW doses of these meds could WRECK your brain! June 26, 2020
Show the slightest sign of cognitive impairment… and your doc will start throwing drugs at you. But according to some STARTLING research, those memory lapses… and moments of brain fog… could’ve been BROUGHT ON by any number of prescription meds you might ALREADY be taking. I’m talking about mood meds… pee pills… and anti-seizure drugs. […]
OVERCOME the nastiest summer infection by putting this herbal hero in charge June 25, 2020
There’s a lot of talk these days about BOOSTING immunity… and STIMULATING an immune response to fight off infection… But a lot of it is, in fact, just TALK. Because to truly OVERCOME certain infections… especially those that cause CHRONIC and seemingly UNRESOLVABLE issues, like Lyme disease… Your immune system needs to be AT THE […]
Could this biblical ‘shepherd’s trick’ keep the flu from WRECKING you? June 23, 2020
Summer has only just begun… But if you’re like most folks, you’re already DREADING the fall. More specifically, I’m talking about the onset of flu season. This year more than ever, we’re ACUTELY aware of how important it is to SHIELD ourselves from those seasonal viral infections… And if there were ever a time to […]
REVERSE ‘mystery symptoms’ with this OVERLOOKED digestion trick June 22, 2020
If you’ve been experiencing “mystery symptoms”… and you’re a little on the older side… I’m here today to share with you something that might be a hidden cause. I’m talking about the inability to maintain a healthy weight… sagging energy… toilet troubles… and even infections. Fortunately, you can work with your doc to EXPOSE a […]
SAIL through aging gracefully with this ancient fruit trick June 10, 2020
If you had to do it all over again, you wouldn’t change a thing. And even if you had the chance to travel back in time to ANY age, you might choose to stay exactly where you are. These are your “golden years” – and you’re going to make the most of them. But that […]
Slash IBD severity in HALF… in just DAYS? Divine herb could work miracles June 9, 2020
Poop problems PLAGUE too many seniors – DRAINING them of their vitality and TETHERING them to the bathroom! And you might be one of them. Instead of enjoying your “golden years” out on the links or in the garden, you’re TRAPPED inside… DOUBLED OVER in pain… and waiting for the next “urge” to hit. Most […]
“Divine Farmer’s gift” ERASES colitis & IBD... in less than 2 weeks! June 4, 2020
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