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SOOTHE gut complaints with this ‘Bible bean’ you’ve NEVER heard of June 4, 2020
If you struggle with digestive issues, you NEVER get used to it. Whether you’re “backed up”… or you can’t stop “going”… it’s enough to drive you crazy! And most “cures” don’t actually help – but not because they don’t work. They work TOO well! And then you’ve got the opposite problem. Fortunately, there’s a way […]
The Australian Outback secret for an IRON-CLAD immune system June 2, 2020
Let’s face it… Most of us didn’t spend much time thinking about our immune systems… until the past several months. We went right from flu season into the coronavirus pandemic! So maybe you’ve been loading up on vitamin C… even adding some more citrus fruits into your diet. Well, after you hear what I have […]
DESTROY upper respiratory infections with this FORGOTTEN medieval herb June 2, 2020
Whenever you get a sniffle… a cough… or some other symptom of a mild upper respiratory infection… your doc wants you to DRAG yourself into his office… Just for him to tell you there’s NOTHING he can do for you. What a scam! And boy, have times changed from the earliest days of medicine. Big […]
ERADICATE anxiety with this military ‘air therapy’ May 26, 2020
Your mind races… your heart pounds… and your chest tightens. You might not feel like you can breathe at all. When anxiety flares up… the feeling is just as PHYSICAL as it is MENTAL. Big Pharma wants to give you drugs that’ll KNOCK YOU OUT in the short term… or DRAIN you of your personality […]
Beat back POOR circulation with the RICHES of this ‘stem secret’ May 21, 2020
You know when your circulation isn’t as PERFECT as it could be. You your hands and feet could feel cold and numb… and you could be PLAGUED by the feeling of “needles and pins.” Without sufficient blood flow, your limbs could even become painful… And you could start to feel sluggish… and mentally not altogether […]
Ancient Indian secret helps LIGHT your FIRE… and SATISFY your spouse! May 15, 2020
This SHOULD be like your “second honeymoon.” You’re spending more time together than you have in years… And with the kids all grown up and out of the house, you no longer have to sneak away to be alone. You could “do it” on the couch if you wanted to! But for too many older […]
BANISH gas and bloating with this enzyme-based ‘bomb squad’ May 12, 2020
Remember when you were a kid… and you could eat WHATEVER you wanted… WHENEVER you chose… Without a HINT of digestive BACKLASH? Those were the good ol’ days – when “stink bombs” were HILARIOUS. But as we get older, WE can become the “stinkers”! And when it happens to YOU, excessive gas isn’t so funny […]
UNLEASH the cancer-killing power of this ‘fever flower’ May 8, 2020
You’ve got cancer. And you’ve been around the block enough to know what comes next… Your mainstream doc will dole out the same 3-part treatment he’s been using for years. I’m talking about chemo… radiation… and surgery. But this “triple threat” ISN’T foolproof… And any one of them… if not ALL of them… could THREATEN […]
RECOVER from cough and cold in just days with this Zulu herb May 6, 2020
Your throat is scratchy… And you’ve got that sinking feeling. It’s NOT allergies… and you’re NOT just feeling “off.” You’re SICK. But you waited too long to take PREVENTATIVE measures like echinacea and elderberry… and you don’t want to feel MISERABLE just waiting it out. It’s not too late for you… Fortunately, there’s ANOTHER herbal […]
UNEARTHED medical texts reveal ancient ‘vision seed’ for aging eyes May 5, 2020
Your eyes just aren’t what they used to be… And sometimes, it can feel like a race against time to keep your vision quality from falling off a cliff! If you’re not reaching for those darned readers… You’re rubbing the heck out of your tired, irritated eyes. Saline drops aren’t doing the trick – because […]
Heart failure? Don’t let your doc prescribe one of these "NEVER drugs" April 30, 2020
By Dr. Allan Spreen, M.D. Chief Medical Advisor, Health Sciences Institute There are some things we all know we should NEVER do. You NEVER stick your hand in the lion cage at the zoo… You NEVER step out into a busy highway… And you NEVER stand between a politician and a microphone. If you’re a […]
Revealed! Ruby-red powder FIGHTS cancer and cuts tumor growth IN HALF April 30, 2020
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