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Rheumatoid arthritis pain and inflammation can be relieved with intravenous vitamin C December 19, 2012
Rheumatoid arthritis pain and inflammation can be relieved with intravenous vitamin C, according to a report from Wichita’s Riordan Clinic — the leader in the field of IAA research.
Reduce risk of pain from chronic knee osteoarthritis with increased vitamin D levels December 12, 2012
According to new research, you can reduce risk of pain from chronic knee osteoarthritis with increased vitamin D levels. In fact, nutrient insufficiency is the likely root of most chronic pain.
Chiropractic adjustment is remarkably effective for this common chronic pain October 2, 2012
Self-diagnosis and self-medication for chronic neck pain is a slippery slope with diminishing returns — research shows that chiropractic adjustment is far more effective.
Breaking news: Pioneer scientists uncover the Holy Grail lifesaver for “incurable” sciatica pain July 17, 2012
A pair of pioneering scientists discovered a unique and highly effective molecule that can both protect and repair damaged nerves—including your sciatic nerves. And that means there’s finally a real way to treat even chronic sciatica pain so you don’t have to suffer anymore.
Elderly patients must beware opioid painkillers June 11, 2012
Elderly patients must beware opioid painkillers – yes, even when the American Geriatric Society recommends it. Turns out, AGS recommendations may serve other interests.
A major shift in prostate cancer screening guidelines protect men from unnecessary anxiety and physical pain May 31, 2012
A major shift in guidelines for PSA prostate cancer screening will protect men from unnecessary anxiety and physical pain, but how many doctors will actually let go of the outmoded PSA test?
New safety alert keeps kids away from painkiller patches April 30, 2012
Many little kids go through a Band-Aid phase. They’re fascinated with the idea of sticking something on their skin. That fascination can turn dangerous with a medicated patch that, to a child, looks like a Band-Aid. That’s why the FDA just released an important child-safety warning about fentanyl patches.
Avoid painful, expensive dental work—powerful herbs repair gingivitis April 16, 2012
Lily Rambac’s gums were in critical condition. Her gum pockets ranged in depth up to 9mm—an alarming size. And the cost to fix her mouth seemed astronomical, not to mention the long hours of dentistry and discomfort she’d have to endure. But Lily never had to deal with any of that. In fact, just a few weeks later, she was back at the dentist to show him how much her gums had improved. He was utterly stunned by the remarkable changes. And when she told him what caused the improvement, he couldn’t believe it.
Self-medication for chronic neck pain is the first step down an unproductive, rocky road February 9, 2012
If you’ve got a pain in the neck, you’re not alone. Nearly three in every four adults will experience neck pain at some point. And now I’m going to make up a statistic: More than half of those with neck pain will attempt to medicate themselves with over-the-counter painkillers. That might not be a provable statistic, but we know this for sure: A lot of people do it and it’s the wrong way to go.
Eliminate the agonizing pain of kidney stones in just three days... and keep it from ever coming back January 20, 2012
Have you suffered the most excruciating pain known to man? If you have, you know that I’m talking about kidney stones, and that you never want to live through that again. You don’t have to endure that pain ever again. Even if you’ve suffered the agony of kidney stones in the past, this formula can help make sure they don’t come back. In fact, if you’re suffering right now, take hope from Penny’s story as you watch for the delivery truck.
How does a star NFL quarterback with a bad ankle kill the pain? A bit recklessly January 10, 2012
Roethlisberger: “They would never put me out there and endanger me or anybody on this team. There was no injection. There was two Tylenols and two Advil.” Yikes! Little does Ben know how much he may have endangered himself with that OTC painkiller cocktail. And if he kept up a 2+2 Tylenol/Advil regimen in the days following the loss to San Francisco, he put his liver through a terrible ordeal.
The Vioxx era comes to an end, but the pain of survivors goes on December 14, 2011
Ten years. That’s how long it took to finally close the book on Vioxx, Merck’s notoriously dangerous arthritis drug.