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The pro-vaccine crowd is on the warpath again, ignoring dangers as usual September 27, 2011
During an interview after the recent Republican debate in Florida, Bachmann shared a story (which I’m sure you’ve heard 100 times by now) about a woman who told her that her daughter suffered from “mental retardation” after getting
Gardasil HPV vaccine.
Reducing drug industry influence at the FDA is much easier than it looks September 22, 2011
Three years ago the FDA cracked down on drug industry influence in FDA decision making. Well… “cracked down” might be overstating it. Let’s put it like this: They adopted slightly less generous rules for experts to qualify for FDA panels.
Help control diabetic neuropathy with a natural supplement September 19, 2011
“Is there a cure for neuropathy?” …maybe. Neuropathy is nerve damage, characterized by a numbness or painful tingling in the feet, legs, hands and arms. It can also contribute to dementia. And while neuropathy is a common side effect of diabetes, it’s sometimes caused by other factors, such as thyroid problems and chemotherapy.
HSI Exclusive: Clinical Trial opportunity for HSI members with arthritis September 15, 2011
If you suffer from the debilitating pain of osteoarthritis, Ostinol™ Bone and Cartilage Stimulating Proteins may be the answer. This amazing natural product contains the only proteins proven to “turn on” stems cells which grow cartilage, and naturally protects the body against inflammation—so people report feeling better in just days.
Women, beware the coming hype about a "miracle" breast cancer prevention drug September 12, 2011
Breast cancer researchers were celebrating and high-fiving like crazy over a drug that appears to help prevent breast cancer in post-menopausal women. AND it appears to have minimal side effects. Now that’s truly amazing! In fact, it sounds too good to be true. And you know what that means: It’s probably not true.
Code Red: Osteoporisis drug linked with kidney damage... and 16 deaths (so far) September 7, 2011
Another dire warning has been added to the label of one very popular intravenous osteoporosis drug, this one about the risk of potentially fatal kidney failure.
Acetaminophen overuse might put your brain in as much risk as your liver September 1, 2011
It’s dangerous and unnecessary and I won’t allow any products with it in my house. Sure, that could be food coloring, hydrogenated oils, HFCS or any number of poisons the mainstream defends at all costs. But if you know me at all, you know I’m talking about acetaminophen.
Ancient aphrodisiac tames menopause symptoms and fires up your love life August 16, 2011
Let’s face it, ladies. No one looks forward to menopause. The hot flashes, the night sweats, the extreme moods, and the disappearing love life. That’s the old view of menopause. And thanks to a brand new, ancient remedy, it’s about to change dramatically.
The surprising secret ingredient that erases sinus problems in a very unlikely way August 16, 2011
Redd Remedies takes a unique approach to sinus problems—and that’s what makes Adult Sinus Support so effective. Unlike other treatments, that focus only on the headache pain and clogged sinus passages, this formula takes a whole-body approach. And it really works.
How to significantly improve stroke recovery August 16, 2011
I recently mentioned how taking tocotrienol forms of vitamin E before a stroke occurs may provide significant help in your recovery, should you ever have a stroke. After I sent you that e-mail, a colleague told me about a study that showed acupuncture to be helpful in stroke recovery.
An herbal extract may provide significant symptom relief for heart failure patients August 11, 2011
I hope someone at the university is planning to continue Ernst’s work. According to Reuters, Ernst led studies that demonstrate the usefulness of several natural therapies, including hypnosis for managing labor pain, St. John’s Wort for mild depression, and hawthorn for the treatment of congestive heart failure.
Does a new drug for a chronic disease actually work like "magic"? August 9, 2011
Benlysta is the first drug approved by the FDA to treat lupus in more than 55 years. So it’s no wonder that patients like Kat are pinning high hopes on its success. But when Benlysta was approved last March, Michele Cagan sent out a Code Red warning to HSI members.