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SQUEAKY-CLEAN arteries… without lowering LDL? [Cholesterol myth… BUSTED!] September 22, 2020
The mainstream OBSESSION with getting patients to hit rock-bottom numbers on their cholesterol readings has gotten out of control. It seems like they’ll come up with ANY and EVERY excuse to put more and more folks on cholesterol-lowering statins… no matter WHAT the risks! Fact is, if your lipid panel is showing numbers that are […]
[WEIRD] “Mushroom trick” delivers JAW-DROPPING immunity August 31, 2020
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Medicine chest staple deserves a FRESH LOOK… as an anti-aging hero! August 21, 2020
There are a few “wives’ tales” and “folk remedies” that have somehow fallen OUT of favor… and gotten DISMISSED… simply because they seem old fashioned. We’re always being told we should try something NEW and MODERN… But sometimes it’s the time-honored traditions that still work the best! Just look at yourself – YOU haven’t gotten […]
Ancient spice delivers PERFECT blood pressure in just TWO MONTHS July 30, 2020
SLASH your risk of heart attack and stroke with this Middle Eastern “miracle” By Melissa Young Director, Health Sciences Institute Friend, if you’re struggling to control your blood pressure… and no matter what you do, your numbers won’t budge… I bet you’ve gotten the good ol’ prescription preach. You know the talk I’m talking about. […]
SOFTEN the blow from worn-out joints with this ‘pain pillow’ trick July 22, 2020
When your joints are worn out… It can LIMIT your ability to get out of bed with ease… stay standing for more than just a few moments… or move around the way you want to. That’s because the soft tissue that ABSORBS the shock of your day-to-day activities could have ERODED AWAY… Leaving barely anything […]
CRACK OPEN a secret to fighting infections with this ‘immunity oil’ July 17, 2020
As God as my witness, sometimes I wonder whether today’s docs learned ANYTHING in medical school… Other than how to write a prescription. I don’t know what kind of training makes some docs think that some drugs are a “cure-all”… When the science just isn’t there to back that theory up. And if you’ve ever […]
CRUSH viral infections with this Pentagon-backed ‘secret weapon’ July 8, 2020
Sadly, it’s true… Antibiotics will do NOTHING to clear a viral infection. But that DOESN’T mean you’re left in the LURCH. Because there’s a natural way to help make some viruses LESS INFECTIOUS! This broad-spectrum antiviral nutrient so powerful… even the U.S. Defense Department has studied it. Here’s what’s been discovered so far about how […]
Allergy attack? FIGHT BACK with this aquatic superfood June 29, 2020
It may be officially summer… but that doesn’t mean allergy season has ended. Does it ever??? Every time your neighbor mows the lawn… or a gust of wind picks up… you could be left SUFFERING. And no matter WHAT triggers your seasonal allergies… be it pollen, ragweed, trees, or even dust… You might find yourself […]
BANISH mouth problems with this easy once-a-day trick June 19, 2020
As we get older, our hair isn’t as dark as it used to be… and our teeth aren’t as bright as they used to be. Dental health can decline with age… And after a lifetime of drinking coffee and red wine… and maybe even smoking… your pearly whites could have turned an unpleasant shade of […]
Coronavirus study no longer ‘hush-hush’ after feds SCHEMED in secrecy! June 17, 2020
It’s hard to know what to believe anymore – especially the reports that are coming out of China. That country doesn’t exactly have a reputation for full transparency. But there have been some anecdotal reports that certain Chinese patients with COVID-19 have fared better than others … despite the expectation that they would become critically […]
SAIL through aging gracefully with this ancient fruit trick June 10, 2020
If you had to do it all over again, you wouldn’t change a thing. And even if you had the chance to travel back in time to ANY age, you might choose to stay exactly where you are. These are your “golden years” – and you’re going to make the most of them. But that […]
[BREAKTHROUGH] Ladies, SLAM THE BRAKES on hot flashes, weight gain & weak bones June 4, 2020
This “candy cure” OBLITERATES menopause symptoms! By Melissa Young Director, Health Sciences Institute When we’re young, and we’re told adulthood is just around the corner, many of us urge our hormones to work faster and faster. After all, we’re sick of being treated like kids… We want to be taller, slimmer, bustier, and more beautiful… grown […]