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Obesity epidemic contributing to STUNNING pandemic stats [Experts agree] September 11, 2020
If you’ve got “a little more to love”… especially around the middle… You already know how carrying around that extra weight can increase your risk for disease. I’m talking about heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. But if you’re hitting all your numbers… and your doc isn’t nagging you TOO much… it’s hard to pay […]
[Killer meals EXPOSED] BEAT BACK brain bleeds by DITCHING this diet trend September 4, 2020
They say that it’ll BOOST your heart health. But if you look beyond the mainstream headlines… SHOCKING research spills the beans on one of today’s most popular food trends. One of the biggest SHAMS in “healthy eating” is how they tell you to STOP eating meat… And to replace it with HEAVILY processed, chemically DOUSED […]
The ONE book anyone with kidney stones should read August 31, 2020
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TUNE UP type 2 with this South American ‘mountain cucumber’ August 28, 2020
Let’s face it… Your doc has an OBSESSION. And it’s not doing your type 2 diabetes any favors. He’s FIXATED on getting your blood sugar levels below a certain number… and KEEPING them there… No matter what! But while he’s treating you with BLINDERS on… he could be IGNORING other aspects of your health that […]
SUPPRESS sugar spikes with this ‘islander secret’ August 19, 2020
Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know what I’m going to share with you today. And they’d do everything in their power to DISCREDIT what I’m about to reveal. There’s a natural… healthy… and healing way to BLOCK sugar from your blood. And it works just like one of those prescription meds the pharma giants […]
SHORE UP your defenses with this ancient African ‘survival grain’ August 19, 2020
I swear, the year 2020 has completely changed our perspective on certain aspects of our health. While we once hoped to THRIVE as the year progressed… now we’re just hoping to SURVIVE until 2021! OK, I’m being a little dramatic… But it’s never been CLEARER how we need to be PROACTIVE about protecting ourselves against […]
STABILIZE blood sugar control with this ancient Arab berry August 13, 2020
When your doc first diagnoses you with type 2 diabetes… and has you start monitoring your blood glucose day and night… He’ll shrug and say, “You’ll get used to it.” But that’s what HE wants… so he can keep CLOSE TABS on you! Think of those finger pricks as his own little tracking device. And […]
STEER your glucose levels in the right direction with this ancient spice August 10, 2020
It’s one of the biggest scams targeting patients today… And they’re starting earlier than ever. I’m talking about putting patients on diabetes meds even BEFORE they’ve been officially diagnosed with type 2. How can they get away with it? It’s all because of the designation of what I consider a made-up condition called “prediabetes.” It […]
ACCELERATE wound healing with this ‘space-age’ technology August 5, 2020
It’s one of the most common… and most CRIPPLING… complications of diabetes. I’m talking about diabetic foot ulcers. These wounds can get so INFECTED… some diabetics require amputation of the lower limbs. And limb loss can really do a number on your quality of life. But that’s nothing compared to being sent into an early grave! When weeks go by and wounds WON’T heal on […]
ACCELERATE wound healing with this ‘space-age’ technology August 5, 2020
It’s one of the most common… and most CRIPPLING… complications of diabetes. I’m talking about diabetic foot ulcers. These wounds can get so INFECTED… some diabetics require amputation of the lower limbs. And limb loss can really do a number on your quality of life. But that’s nothing compared to being sent into an early […]
Send nerve pain PACKING with this crazy ‘heat trick’ August 3, 2020
If you’re suffering from diabetic nerve pain… I’ve got good news for you today. And it comes from… are you ready for this?… the FDA. The feds have acknowledged that a safe and natural pain reliever… one that contains ZERO opioids… can help alleviate this DISABLING complication of diabetes. This type of neuropathy has been […]
SWEEP AWAY blood sugar woes with this ancient African ‘grain trick’ July 31, 2020
Once you find out you’ve got type 2 diabetes, you might be focused on just SURVIVING it. Too often, it can be a KILLER disease. But the truth is, blood sugar woes DON’T have to take you down. In fact, you can not only live THROUGH diabetes… but actually live WELL while managing it. You […]