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The surprising way you can free yourself of joint pain April 5, 2018
Do you suffer from “arthralgia”? It sounds scary… and if you do suffer from it, it can be tough for you to get through the day. When it’s really acting up, even the simplest tasks can seem next to impossible. I’m talking about arthritis! And being that over 50 million Americans are dealing with the […]
The ‘med’ that can keep your bones from breaking April 3, 2018
What does CHMP, the scientific arm of the European food and drug authority, know that our FDA doesn’t? It must be something… because it just gave a big “thumbs-down” to the approval of an osteoporosis med that was greenlit by the FDA last year. That drug, sold under the brand name Tymlos in the U.S., […]
The threat to your throat that’s often overlooked April 2, 2018
Swallow your pride… a tough pill to swallow… swallow the bait… there sure are a lot of expressions that deal with swallowing something! When that automatic response stops working well, however, it’s tough to swallow anything – and that includes the pills that docs start piling on as soon as you reach your “golden years.” […]
Do you really want a ‘robot’ to operate on you? March 28, 2018
Will the surgeon of the future be C-3PO or R2D2? At a time when driverless cars are cruising down American highways… and you can have full-on conversations with computerized “personal assistants” with names like Siri and Alexa… just about anything seems possible! And that might be exactly the direction we’re headed, because the FDA has […]
Weed killer goes on trial in California courtroom March 20, 2018
At numerous hardware and big-box stores… just a hop, a skip, and a jump from the U.S. District Court in San Francisco… you could buy a truckload of Roundup if you wanted to. But anyone who’s privy to the goings-on inside judge Vince Chhabria’s courtroom is going to think long and hard before even touching […]
How to sabotage your heart’s nightly repair job March 12, 2018
Wouldn’t it be great if we could take our bodies in for a spruce-up and repair — just as we might do with our cars before long road trips? Well, you can! And it won’t cost you a thing or involve going to some fancy clinic or spa. It turns out that your body’s “engine,” […]
Without this, vitamin D can be worse than worthless March 5, 2018
If there’s one vitamin we can’t live without sufficient amounts of, it would be D. And you may be doing whatever it takes to make sure that you’re not deficient — getting out in the sun, taking a supplement, or even eating the right foods. But still, you’re not feeling up to par. Well, there […]
From crushing pain to sweet relief: Devastating injuries heal quickly and completely with this natural Injury Repair Kit March 2, 2018
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Study finds cleaning can be as dangerous as smoking March 1, 2018
According to researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway, the damage being done to your lungs with cleaning sprays is equivalent to decades of puffing away. The harm these chemicals can do to your lung function can result in all kinds of damaging respiratory symptoms — including triggering and worsening asthma. The good news […]
Exposure to noise can be deadly to your heart March 1, 2018
Loud noises, it turns out, not only jangle your nerves… but also mangle your heart! A new study out of Germany has found that those leaf blowers, honking horns, and other disrupting sounds can send your risk of heart disease soaring. So, if you want to protect your ticker, you’re going to need to take […]
Study finds cleaning can be as dangerous as smoking February 28, 2018
According to researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway, the damage being done to your lungs with cleaning sprays is equivalent to decades of puffing away. The harm these chemicals can do to your lung function can result in all kinds of damaging respiratory symptoms — including triggering and worsening asthma. The good news […]
The unreliable breast cancer test that can ruin your life February 27, 2018
If you’ve been alerted that you have a higher-than-average risk of breast cancer, no doubt you will be told that having an enhanced MRI every year (in addition to a mammogram) is the best way to detect any tumors. And to get this test done, you’ll be required to have a toxic dye containing a […]