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Could this M.I.A. vitamin be the culprit behind bones that SHATTER? September 21, 2021
You’ve COMMITTED to your daily calcium tablets… And you’re making sure you’re getting ALL your minerals. You’ve even started taking my advice by supplementing with vitamins D3 and K2… But your bones are STILL getting weaker and more fragile as you age! It’s NOT that those nutrients I just mentioned DON’T work. They just might […]
IGNITE weight loss with this fat-burning ‘pumpkin cousin’ September 20, 2021
We may be approaching the fall season, but there’s a cooling drink from India – one of the HOTTEST countries in the world – that you should know about for ANY time of year. That’s because it could help LIGHT A FIRE under your efforts to lose weight… And even MELT extra weight you may […]
Keep youthful hair FROZEN IN TIME with this Amazonian oil September 16, 2021
Ever notice how some folks in other parts of the world NEVER seem to age? They MUST be onto something… And now, thanks to practically EVERYTHING being found on the internet, there’s NOTHING stopping you from learning their anti-aging secrets! That’s especially true when it comes to cosmetic ingredients, like those for hair. I’m not […]
UNLOAD toxins with this ‘deep cleaning’ routine September 15, 2021
Friend, we all have “mystery symptoms” now and then. Sometimes they go away on their own… although still remaining a mystery… And other times, they get WORSE. If your feet are DRAGGING… and your energy is SAGGING… It could be the work of a HIDDEN culprit. I’m talking about toxins. You don’t have to live […]
Chinese ‘bone-builder’ shows promise in BOOSTING memory September 10, 2021
Here’s the thing too many folks don’t understand about memory. It’s not just about the PAST… Like when you flip through photographs and recognize the names and faces of old friends and family. It’s about your PRESENT… and FUTURE, too! Because we’re forming NEW memories with every step we take… Which helps keep us SHARP […]
BANISH burns, rashes, and irritation… with this scented ‘skin weed’? September 9, 2021
If you’ve got red, sensitive skin… And you’re looking for something that could SOOTHE it… or even HEAL what’s irritating it… You might want to look a little farther than your own backyard. In fact… you might need to look to another HEMISPHERE! Because the key to irritation-free skin could be growing across the globe… […]
Keep cognitive function from DECLINING… with a ‘royal oil’ August 24, 2021
Friend, aging isn’t just an issue of vanity. Sure, there are the cosmetic factors… the thinning hair and the wrinkling skin… But today, I want you to think about what happens on the INSIDE as you age. Because those UNSEEN changes could have a MUCH greater impact on your livelihood as you reach your “golden […]
Put Parkinson's brain cell die-off in REVERSE? It's about 'thyme.' August 20, 2021
Probably the biggest hallmark of Parkinson’s disease is the UNCONTROLLABLE muscle shaking – a.k.a. “tremors.” But Parkinson’s patients ALSO have to deal with feeling STIFF AS A BOARD… Moving around SLOWLY… And even losing their mental EDGE. That’s because Parkinson’s impact isn’t just ISOLATED to motor control. It’s a complex condition that WREAKS HAVOC deep […]
REWIND the clock… with the help of a mineral-packed ‘apple nut’ August 19, 2021
They say it doesn’t matter how old you ARE… but how old you FEEL. But even if you still feel like a TEENAGER… your reflection could tell a DIFFERENT story. Who’s that OLD PERSON staring back at me??? It’s not just vanity. Other folks treat you differently when they see you as “elderly” – especially […]
Too OLD to turn back the clock? NONSENSE! August 17, 2021
Friend, it’s never too late to start COUNTERACTING the aging process. It doesn’t matter if you’re already retired… enjoying life with your grandkids… Or WELL into your “golden years.” You can STILL make sure you live life to the FULLEST… for as LONG as you possibly can. Because there’s a way to get at the […]
Eat this 1 thing to BOOST your longevity [So delicious!] August 11, 2021
If you’re looking for the secret to living longer… You just might find it as a STAPLE ingredient of the Mediterranean diet! Now, you may have heard about this healthy approach to eating has been linked to longevity… With some studies finding that it can reduce the risk of death by as much as 8%. According to the latest […]
New ‘driving study’: Just a DETOUR on the path to detecting early Alzheimer’s? August 11, 2021
For many older folks, an Alzheimer’s diagnosis is their WORST nightmare. But most Alzheimer’s patients don’t get diagnosed with the disease until it’s progressed TOO FAR to do anything about it. Right now, the only way that science truly knows FOR SURE whether it was Alzheimer’s or not is to perform a brain autopsy! Some older folks… and their […]