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Are these hidden toxins in your home making you sick? July 12, 2017
They’ve got us wrapped up like a bug in a rug! Anyone of a certain age remembers the good old days when a house was, well, just a house! Now, we’ve got all kinds of energy-saving rules home builders must follow. And while that may be a good thing for the environment — and our […]
Could your cancer be misdiagnosed? July 11, 2017
We all know that mistakes happen. After all, we’re only human. But where biopsies are concerned, mistakes look like they’re becoming an epidemic. Your biopsy can easily be confused with someone else’s, or it can be misread entirely, giving you a dreaded diagnosis of cancer when you don’t have it. And experts have become so […]
Doctor discovers simple ‘cocktail’ that can cure sepsis July 6, 2017
There are plenty of things you can bone up on when it comes to protecting your health. But if you’re in the dark about sepsis, you could be putting yourself and your loved ones in grave danger. Sepsis can hit people of all ages and turn deadly before you know it. That’s why it’s urgent […]
Long-term Lyme effects are real, despite what the CDC says July 5, 2017
It has all the makings of a spy novel: intrigue, conspiracy theories, and government officials that are trying to suppress vital information. But sadly, the long and winding story of Lyme disease is all too real. And it has left a lot of Americans suffering as a result. Now, the CDC is hard at work […]
Warnings issued over ‘serious’ risks with prostate drug July 5, 2017
Researchers at Boston University Medical Center are sounding the alarm over “serious adverse side effects” they say have come to light about the prostate drug Avodart (or its generic version, dutsteride) — ones that they hope doctors tell their patients about immediately. But this bad-news drug has been risky from the get-go, putting untold numbers […]
The best ulcer treatment may not be what the doctor ordered July 3, 2017
Remember the old days when we thought ulcers were caused by stress? If you had one, you’d probably be put on a diet of puddings, milk, other “soothing” foods, and anti-anxiety drugs. But we now know that a lot of ulcers are caused by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) — so that stress […]
Invokana makeover shows how drug risks can be hidden by hype July 3, 2017
A little over a month ago, I told you how the type 2 med Invokana can double your risk of suffering an amputation. That’s something the FDA is now requiring the drug to carry a black-box warning over. But now you might be seeing headlines about how the drug is somehow safer as it can […]
Over 65? Here’s what the CDC doesn’t want you to know June 28, 2017
Now that it’s summer, everyone’s focus is on the beach or pool, outdoor grilling and ball games. And that means it’s the perfect time for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to break the important news about the failure of its most sacred cow, the flu shot — right when cold and flu season […]
Top hospital admits own overuse of antibiotics June 27, 2017
Johns Hopkins is one of the nation’s premier hospitals, but where excessive use of antibiotics is concerned, even this prestigious institution can’t seem to get its act together. A recent study done by the hospital’s own researchers on its own patients has found that antibiotic overuse is still the norm. And it’s caused patients to […]
Study finds statins especially risky for seniors June 21, 2017
When the dust settles, this could turn out to be the biggest bombshell to ever hit the mainstream’s beloved statin drugs. Actually, it’s a double whammy, striking these meds on two fronts. One throws ice water on the knee-jerk way statin prescriptions are given out to seniors like candy to children, and the other confirms […]
New study finds no need for radical melanoma surgery June 20, 2017
Medical research goes on all the time. But once in a blue moon, a study comes along that deserves the title of “game-changer.” And that’s exactly what experts are calling a new study on melanoma led by Dr. Mark Faries, head of surgical oncology at The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute. Hopefully, Dr. Faries will […]
Legionnaires' disease: a deadly danger in hospitals June 20, 2017
It’s the ultimate irony. You or one of your loved ones are admitted to a hospital or care facility to recover from something… and you end up getting sicker than if you’d never gone in the first place. According to the results of a groundbreaking CDC analysis, that’s happening in medical facilities all over the […]