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Could you be taking an antidepressant and not know it? August 22, 2017
It’s hard to believe, but the numbers are in — and they’re telling a very bleak story. A shocking, just-out CDC study has found that in the 15 years between 1999 and 2014, the numbers of Americans taking antidepressants has zoomed up a whopping 65 percent. That boils down to 1 in 8 people over […]
‘Breakthrough' finding stops miscarriages, birth defects August 22, 2017
Bringing a child into the world is filled with lots of joy and excitement… along with a giant dose of fear and anxiety. And if you or someone you love is expecting, you know firsthand that a lot of that anxiety centers around two big worries — miscarriages and birth defects. But what if it […]
Don't ever be talked into swallowing this weight-loss idea August 17, 2017
Is this FDA-approved weight-loss scheme the most dangerous way to drop some pounds there is? Despite the fact that the “gastric balloon” concept was found to be deadly decades ago, several types of this balloon-in-the-stomach idea have been cleared for takeoff in the U.S. Now, however, we’ve just learned from the FDA about five people […]
Opioid addiction can happen in the blink of an eye August 16, 2017
If you’re lucky enough to not know someone whose life has been turned upside down by opioid drugs, consider yourself fortunate. Because according to some shocking new research, even your own chances of becoming a “chronic” opioid user are a lot higher than you might ever imagine. And that’s the case no matter what your […]
The danger in being more than sore after exercise August 14, 2017
Here’s how trying to get fit too fast can kill you. You might think I’m talking about a heart attack or heat stroke, but I’m not. This particular side effect of pushing yourself beyond what your body is used to doing can land you in the hospital before you know it. And if you don’t […]
Are you putting yourself at risk with multiple meds? August 10, 2017
It can start out innocently enough. You go to your doctor for something or other… and before you know it, you’re leaving with an Rx in your hand. But that’s not the end of it — not at all. That drug causes a side effect that needs to be offset by another med. Then there’s […]
Is that supermarket ground beef a recipe for disaster? August 3, 2017
It’s the deep, dark secret hiding out in your local supermarket — one that can make you and your family deathly ill. When the news came out several years ago that McDonald’s could be using the meat from up to 100 different cows in its hamburgers, people were shocked. But it turns out that’s nothing […]
Latest study finds statin drugs of little value July 31, 2017
If your doctor has prescribed you a statin drug — especially after a heart attack — there’s some very important information you need to hear right now. It has to do with the reason these dangerous drugs are given out in the first place — you know, to prolong your life. But what if that […]
The secret reason you can’t feel well... and the only way to safely reverse the cause July 26, 2017
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Contrast dye used in heart procedures can zap your kidneys July 24, 2017
With all the risks that can be involved in medical tests and procedures, here’s one you might not be aware of: “contrast-induced nephropathy.” In plain language, that means a contrast dye injected inside your body can cause kidney failure. And here’s where things get tricky. If you’re undergoing a cardiac catheterization (a.k.a. an angioplasty to […]
Culprits identified in doubling of deadly diarrhea cases July 19, 2017
It looks like some researchers wouldn’t know a smoking gun if it they were holding one in their hands. Because a team out of the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine just picked one up, examined it, and put it right back where they found it! This new research is about what the CDC […]
Is this another shingles shot pitch in disguise? July 17, 2017
How do you know if what you’re seeing is really a drug commercial in disguise? It’s not easy, especially where the shingles shot is concerned. For the longest time, we were bombarded with those sneaky Merck TV ads made up to look like public service announcements. They started out with the shingles jingle, a creepy […]