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Sharp as a tack? You could still wind up on an Alzheimer’s med February 22, 2018
Remember this date: February 15, 2018. That’s when FDA head honcho Scott Gottlieb proposed that drugmakers won’t have to show that any med sent to the FDA for approval to treat Alzheimer’s disease actually does anything to help patients. His new guidelines would also allow those drugs to be given to people of sound mind […]
This simple spice can do what Pharma’s drugs can’t February 5, 2018
As researchers pour billions of dollars into searching for ways to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s, could the answer be as simple as… a trip to the supermarket? Researchers at UCLA have just published the results of a nearly two-year trial studying the brain-protective powers of a humble spice. And what they found was simply amazing. […]
Weapons to defeat Alzheimer’s? We already have them! February 1, 2018
What do we really know about preventing or treating Alzheimer’s disease? Well, one thing’s for sure — we know that Big Pharma’s attempts to come up with a drug have been a string of complete and utter failures. The latest flop was just announced by Eli Lilly last week, when it gave the official thumbs […]
This might be all it takes to reboot your brain! January 31, 2018
It can start with some little things, like forgetting where you put your glasses or what you did with the car keys. But when those “senior moments” are only getting worse, is it time to start worrying? Before you do, maybe it’s time to get some better sleep instead! Because some landmark research in sleep […]
This is how useless statins really are January 10, 2018
It’s one of the biggest and longest-running fables we’ve ever been told. “High cholesterol causes heart disease.” But to put it simply, it doesn’t — and that’s been known for over 80 years! Yet this cholesterol myth has been repeated for so long and by so many that when a respected group of researchers recently […]
The best New Year’s resolution you can make! January 2, 2018
We’re already two days into 2018… and if you haven’t put your list of New Year’s resolutions together yet, I have the perfect addition for you! And if you stick to this one, it will give you a lot more than you bargained for. It’s something you take… but it’s not a drug. Yet it […]
The eAlert 2017 Hall of Shame December 28, 2017
It looks like 2017 is practically in the rear-view mirror! How in the world did that happen so fast? During the past 12 months, we’ve told you about many exciting natural therapies and remedies that have been shown — even proven — to be able to fight cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, diabetes, and on and on. […]
Getting an MRI? Here’s what U.S. officials don’t want you to know December 27, 2017
What do European, British, and Japanese regulators admit that the FDA is flat-out refusing to acknowledge? Recently, health agencies across the globe determined that there is quite enough evidence to say with certainty that numerous contrast agents, or dyes, used to enhance MRIs are just too dangerous to continue using — and many actually banned […]
The Rx for fun that can help prevent Alzheimer’s! December 25, 2017
By now, all the presents have been opened… Uncle Bob has sung his version of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” more than a dozen times… and the kids and grandkids are busy with the latest tech toys Santa left for them. Time to sit back and relax, right? Not so fast. You may just want […]
New Alzheimer’s meds could be the riskiest of all December 20, 2017
There’s a new class of drugs speeding along the FDA’s fast track… straight to your doctor’s office. They’re called BACE inhibitors, and Big Pharma will be sparing no expense in selling them to you as a way to treat — and even prevent — Alzheimer’s disease. But these meds have been plagued with problems from […]
Is this oil actually Alzheimer’s in a bottle? December 18, 2017
This past summer, I told you about an extremely important study out of Temple University that found a way to slash your odds of coming down with Alzheimer’s disease. Now, those same researchers have gone in the other direction and discovered something that may increase your chances of developing this devastating memory-robber. It’s a commonly […]
Is something in the air robbing you of sleep? December 5, 2017
Tossing and turning at night? If you were to believe the commercials you hear on the radio and TV, you’d think your bed was to blame… and that all you need is a new one! In fact, Americans spend a fortune trying to get a good night’s sleep! Studies put yearly expenditures on mattresses in […]