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Ancient Samoan 'leaf' works BETTER than pain-relief drugs?! November 3, 2022
We all battle with aches and pains. And whether you have arthritis, or are sore from a weekend of yardwork, chances are you’re reaching for an over-the-counter (OTC) pain killer like ibuprofen for some relief. And who can blame you? After all, for years we’ve been told by mainstream medicine that OTC pain killers are […]
Unexpected dementia diagnosis side effect? [SHOCKING] October 18, 2022
If you or a loved one has been told you have dementia you know that the swirling gamut of emotions is like being hit by a tornado. Suddenly, your life snowballs into a series of “what ifs” … and becomes a race against the clock to preserve precious memories. Unfortunately, a new study has uncovered […]
Skipping This SKYROCKETS Alzheimer's risk 21%? (Study) October 12, 2022
You eat right… exercise regularly… and maybe even take some brain-boosting supplements like omega-3s. While not 100% fool-proof, these are all practical, no-frills, and proven steps you can take to lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. But there’s another routine you should add to your day if you want to stack the deck against Alzheimer’s. […]
The viral fall OBSESSION boosts your brain! October 7, 2022
It hits us every single fall like clockwork. It lines the aisles of your grocery store… it takes over the menu of your local coffee joint… and is even a popular beer flavor. Folks, like it or not PUMPKIN SPICE season is here! Now, if the sight of another pumpkin flavored thing makes your head […]
Far East "energy berry" sends ALZHEIMER'S BACKPEDALING October 6, 2022
Many words come to mind when you think of Alzheimer’s disease. Hopeless… Terrifying… Saddening… Incurable… Just to name a few. But that doesn’t mean you or a loved one can’t FIGHT BACK. Sure, there’s no magic cure for Alzheimer’s… But today I’ve got news on a berry from the Far East that can stack the […]
Fuel your 'other' brain to STOP stroke damage September 28, 2022
Witnessing a stroke play out in real time is downright terrifying. Because once it happens, time is of the absolute essence to prevent irreversible damage. Last week, I saw raw video footage on CNN of an Oklahoma news anchor suffering the ‘beginnings of a stroke’ on LIVE TV. (You can watch it unfold here) Thankfully […]
An Alzheimer's CLUE? [Surprising!] September 9, 2022
Did you know that Alzheimer’s disease was discovered way back in 1906? Since then, this disease has crippled the lives of millions of Americans… Often to the point where they can’t remember how to use a microwave or recall important dates… They lose the ability to drive and can even become a danger to themselves. […]
Can Intermittent Fasting be LIFESAVING?! (Must-Read) August 31, 2022
I’ve never kept intermittent fasting some big secret. Any why would I?! Because intermittent fasting isn’t just about shedding those unwanted pounds… Studies have found that it can even help preserve your memories… and even fight cancer! And trust me, there’s plenty more advantages out there… But today I’m sharing another benefit to intermittent fasting. […]
'Immortality Seed' SLOWS Alzheimer's in 3 Months?! August 30, 2022
It’s the biggest – and most frustrating – ‘catch-22’ in modern medicine… Think of the oodles of technological breakthroughs and advances… But when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease? Well, that continues to duck, dodge, and elude every trick in the book. But what if I told you there’s already something out there that may have […]
How an Afternoon Nap is ACTUALLY Affecting Your BRAIN August 25, 2022
A catnap, a siesta, resting your eyes… Whatever you call it, sometimes there’s nothing quite like plopping into your trusty living room recliner for an afternoon nap to recharge. But what if I told you that mid-day rest in the La-Z-Boy could actually be doing more harm than good? No way, right? After all, aren’t […]
Detect a Brain Disease… On Your PHONE?! August 16, 2022
Brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are ravaging the lives of seniors across the country. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly 6 million Americans over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s… And that number could TRIPLE by the year 2060! Unfortunately, the news around Parkinson’s isn’t rosy either. Researchers believe the number of Parkinson’s cases […]
The SPICE that can SAVE your brain August 16, 2022
Let’s pretend for a second that keeping your brain sharp was just like maintaining your car. Get the oil changed regularly… rotate those tires… and keep those fluids topped off… Do that and, chances are, your “vintage” ride can last you hundreds of thousands of miles! Well, friend, that comparison ISN’T as far off as […]