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Send fat PACKING with this delicious ‘fruit jewel’ August 9, 2021
If you’re struggling with your weight… and it feels like you’ve tried EVERYTHING… You know firsthand how it’s not just a matter of “eating too much.” Because other folks could eat the SAME amount as you… and NEVER gain an ounce! The reality is that your weight and your size depend on several different metabolic […]
Don’t let sugar STRONGARM its way into your system! [Fight back with THIS] August 5, 2021
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a switch you could flip to make type 2 diabetes GO AWAY? Unfortunately, REINING IN your blood sugar… especially when it’s SPIRALED out of control… isn’t exactly that simple. But there is a way to TURN UP the regulation of your blood glucose… by TURNING ON a certain […]
Is this DAFFY reason why some seniors are on SO MANY meds? August 3, 2021
You’ve done EVERYTHING your doc has suggested. You’ve CUT OUT the foods you love… You’ve CHOKED DOWN more fish oil than you ever thought possible… And yet you can’t seem to reach your doc’s goals for your cholesterol levels! Now, the first thing you want to do is make sure your doc isn’t playing a […]
GROW BACK radiation-damaged tissue with this ‘nose trick' August 3, 2021
Most cancer patients feel BAD ENOUGH while they’re getting treated by the mainstream for their disease. But some folks with cancer are in it for the “long haul”… Developing complications from their radiation therapy later on… Months or even a year after their treatment ended! That’s because radiation doesn’t just BURN your tumor cells… Because […]
SLIMY substance fills your belly… while BURNING fat July 30, 2021
You DREAD “weighing in” at the doctor’s office… Because you KNOW he’ll get on your case about those extra pounds you’re carrying around. You try to explain that you’ve tried EVERYTHING… and NOTHING has worked… But he’s not buying it. He tells you that losing weight is simple – just eat less. Friend, if that […]
Blurred vision? RESTORE clarity with this berry trick July 29, 2021
If you’re over 55… you’ve probably already started thinking about how to PRESERVE your vision as you get older. But there’s a MAJOR culprit behind IMPERFECT vision… and UNCOMFORTABLE eyes… that you need to know about. It could happen when you’re wearing contact lenses… sitting in an air-conditioned room… or driving in a smoggy city. […]
‘Warrior trick’ DEFEATS rising blood sugar levels July 14, 2021
If your blood sugar is consistently on the high side… And changing your diet has FAILED to bring it down… You know what comes next. Your doc will send you marching off to the pharmacy to fill an Rx for a diabetes drug! But there’s something else you can try… BEFORE playing right into Big […]
Too-high BP numbers take a swan dive... with help from this 'pond scum' secret July 12, 2021
Friend, right about now I think we could ALL use a vacation. And not one of those EXHAUSTING trips people take to climb a mountain… or run all over some European city hitting every museum and castle within striking distance. I’m talking about taking a REAL break… To rest… relax… and RECOVER. Everybody needs a […]
IMPROVE stroke outcomes by FEEDING your 'second brain' June 30, 2021
If there’s one thing that’ll scare the dickens out of any senior… It’s being the crosshairs for a stroke. That’s why so many older folks DILIGENTLY take their baby aspirin every day… And BRAVE the risks of blood thinners and statins! But friend, that might not be ENOUGH to swing the odds in your favor […]
BUOY your defenses with this slimy 'sea vegetable' secret June 22, 2021
As we age, it becomes harder to STAY AFLOAT when it comes to our health. Older bodies just don’t work as well as they used to! And that applies to your immune system, too. It’s harder for older folks to mount a sufficient immune response for protection from infections and other diseases. After a certain […]
MISGUIDED advice has BLACKLISTED this blood sugar-lowering vitamin! June 4, 2021
If your blood sugar is consistently on the high side… you know the damage it can do. From eye issues… to nerve pain… to kidney disease… Excess sugar can WREAK HAVOC on folks with type 2 diabetes. Not only by sending inflammation levels THROUGH THE ROOF… But also by STRESSING OUT your otherwise healthy tissues. […]
Chilean “superfruit” SLASHES high blood sugar 50%?! June 2, 2021
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