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The most frightening news yet on the dangers of aspirin September 18, 2017
For years now, you’ve been hearing glowing reports about how a daily aspirin can significantly cut your risk of cancer — especially colon cancer. Unfortunately, however, it’s a lot more complicated than we were led to believe. And, based on flimsy evidence, millions may have started up on a habit that could end up killing […]
Want to live longer? Stop doing what those 'experts' advise September 13, 2017
The low-fat myth is one that just won’t go away. To this day, we keep on hearing how consuming too much fat will give us heart disease and cancer — along with obesity and every other ill in the world. Groups such as the American Heart Association have been leading the charge to have us […]
Is newest Monsanto weed killer more toxic than Roundup? September 7, 2017
As we’re all watching and praying for the victims of Hurricane Harvey, it looks like we’ve got yet another disaster on our hands. Only this time, it’s one of our own making. It all has to do with an herbicide that reportedly can kill better than any other. And that’s exactly what it’s doing, only […]
This common test can cause permanent damage to your heart August 31, 2017
Been having headaches… or maybe unexplained back pain? Before you know what’s happened, the office is booking you for a CT scan. It seems that doctors order that test for most any complaint these days! Sure, in many cases, those scans are very necessary. But in plenty of others, not so much. While you may […]
EPA’s gag on Roundup report went even higher than thought August 30, 2017
If you’re going to make something as dangerous as Roundup, it’s good to have friends in high places. Some just-released secret emails have revealed that there’s more to the story about how our supposed watchdogs at the EPA were asked by Monsanto to put the brakes on a Roundup safety review. And guess what? That’s […]
How to stay off the liver transplant list August 29, 2017
It looks like a lot more than your liver is at risk from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD. This condition has been described as one of the plagues of our time, an epidemic that’s causing transplant hospitals to be overrun with patients in need of new livers. And, as the name implies, it has […]
Could you be taking a risky drug that was approved too soon? August 24, 2017
On paper, it certainly sounds reasonable: The FDA should be allowed to “fast-track” drugs that fill an “unmet medical need,” especially ones for life-threatening illnesses. In real life, however, this “accelerated approval” process has turned into one of the best money-making schemes around for Big Pharma. It allows drugmakers to submit applications based on flimsy […]
Don’t let your doctor talk you out of a life-saving therapy August 23, 2017
You’ve got to hand it to these mainstream medical docs. They just can’t stand the idea that anything other than what they dish out as a “cure” for cancer patients will have any effect whatsoever. And they’ll bend over backward to prove that. But what you’ll hear, or not hear, from your doctor about anything […]
Urgent: Protect your brain before an MRI August 16, 2017
After decades of doctors hemming and hawing over the risks of gadolinium-based dyes used in enhanced MRIs, researchers at Case Western Reserve University have finally issued a report that acknowledges something that we’ve suspected for a long time. Gadolinium, a heavy metal added to certain dyes used in imaging (called GBCAs for “gadolinium-based contrast agents”), […]
What’s this Roundup chemical doing in non-GMO ice cream? August 15, 2017
Anyone up for a scoop of Roundup-ready ice cream? That’s what a whole bunch of Ben & Jerry’s flavors are being called after traces of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, were detected in them. It might seem strange to find glyphosate, the weed killer linked to cancer that’s liberally sprayed on genetically-modified crops, […]
Brew yourself a cup of this… right away! August 9, 2017
Next time you pause for a coffee break, maybe you should think about stopping for a “spot of tea” instead. While I’ve told you a lot of good news recently on the health benefits of that cup of java, some even better news has just come out about tea — specifically, green tea. While regularly […]
New treatments extending lives in glioblastoma patients August 3, 2017
If there’s anyone equipped to confront the threat of the deadly brain cancer glioblastoma, it’s Senator John McCain. Not only did the former Navy fighter pilot manage to survive two close brushes with death during the Vietnam War, but he also made it through five and a half years as a captive of the Viet […]