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The shocking reason for the big rise in liver transplants February 20, 2017
When you think of deadly liver diseases, children don’t typically come to mind. But kids, some as young as six, are now in the crosshairs of one of the fastest-growing epidemics seen in modern times. It’s a stealth liver disease called NASH, which spells out nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. And it could land your child on the […]
Killer combination attacks cancer cells from all sides... and gives late-stage cancer patients a fighting chance January 4, 2017
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How to lower your blood sugar without drugs! November 21, 2016
If you have type 2 diabetes, no doubt it rules your life. Every day there are so many choices that come down to that one looming question: Am I controlling my blood sugar? But now, researchers (who were actually looking at ways to lower blood pressure!) have made an amazing discovery. And it’s one you […]
Big Pharma still as big a threat as ever November 14, 2016
Yes, there’s about to be a changing of the guard in Washington — but that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down for one minute. That’s because the stranglehold Big Pharma has on the FDA will remain as strong as ever. If you’ve ever wondered how the FDA manages to get away with some […]
The key to banishing hot flashes... night sweats... irritability... and those stubborn extra pounds November 2, 2016
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Study finds your gut can help guard your brain against Parkinson’s October 25, 2016
Could the key to avoiding terrible brain diseases like Parkinson’s all begin in your gut? That’s what a group of researchers have recently discovered. They found that special cells in the intestines can hunt down and fix damaged neurons in the brain that can lead to this crippling disease. These are findings that could be […]
Study finds fructose can be especially dangerous to diabetics October 17, 2016
A new study has just revealed the most damning evidence to date on the dangers of fructose. And those in the greatest jeopardy are the people who were once told this sweetener was a dream come true for them…diabetics. Harvard scientists have discovered how the sweetener can “open the floodgates” allowing diabetics to absorb it […]
How to avoid unexpectedly ending up on the liver transplant list October 12, 2016
Financial experts are calling it one of the last “untapped multi-billion dollar therapeutic areas.” Sounds great if you’re talking about your stock portfolio. Not so great if you don’t want to be on the liver transplant list. This hot topic is NASH, the acronym that spells out a stealth liver disease that doctors are saying […]
Vinegar: when it comes to controlling blood sugar, how sweet it is! September 22, 2016
Dear Reader, It’s one of the oldest all-purpose remedies you can find. No doubt you’ve heard some amazing stories about vinegar, and how it can do everything from cleaning a coffeepot to helping you lose weight. But while vinegar seems to have more uses than a Swiss Army Knife, there’s one that you may not […]
Could this vitamin be an asthma patient’s life saver? September 12, 2016
Anyone with asthma knows how easily an attack can spiral into a 911 call and a rush to the emergency room. It happens all the time to millions of kids and adults with asthma every year. But what if there was something you could take that would cut your risk of an asthma-related hospitalization in […]
Another risky Alzheimer’s dud being fast-tracked by FDA September 8, 2016
Only in Big Pharma’s world could a drug like this be called a “game changer.” But when you’re talking about a med for Alzheimer’s disease, it appears there’s a new playbook out that drugmakers — and the FDA — are following. Despite the fact that the trial for this new med was a small one, […]
For doctors, getting in hot water doesn’t mean losing consulting fees August 29, 2016
Dr. Fernando Avila, a physician from Texas, has been in hot water with his state’s medical board numerous times. Five years ago he was even required to take a competency exam after an office procedure left a patient with brain damage. Dr. Miltiadis Leon, also from Texas, had his license to practice medicine restricted after […]