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Getting an MRI? Here’s what U.S. officials don’t want you to know December 27, 2017
What do European, British, and Japanese regulators admit that the FDA is flat-out refusing to acknowledge? Recently, health agencies across the globe determined that there is quite enough evidence to say with certainty that numerous contrast agents, or dyes, used to enhance MRIs are just too dangerous to continue using — and many actually banned […]
Digestive problems? These meds may be the cause December 13, 2017
If you happen to land on the webpage for the top-selling blood pressure meds in the U.S. (all made by Japanese drugmaker Daiichi Sankyo), you’ll see a big photo of a happy man surfing at a beautiful tropical locale splashed across the top. But that could be a rather cruel joke, as anyone who takes […]
How relying on the system can jeopardize your life December 6, 2017
Dear Reader, If you’re taking more than one drug — prescription or OTC — you’re playing with fire. Believe it or not, suffering a fatal drug interaction is the fourth-leading cause of death in the U.S. And whenever you pick up an Rx at the pharmacy these days, studies have found that you’re probably not […]
Steer clear of these top 3 Turkey Day timesavers November 21, 2017
We’re on the final countdown to the big day, when our family and dear friends will gather around the Thanksgiving feast. If you’re the one manning mission control (a.k.a. the kitchen), good luck! It’s not an easy task, no matter how many years you’ve been doing it. You have to provide so many different (and […]
If you want to age well, here’s what you need to do November 20, 2017
Dear Reader, It’s what everyone hopes to be as they grow old — a Superager! Those folks aren’t just doing okay into their 70s, 80s, and beyond, but they’re very physically fit for their age… and they’re mentally on par with people young enough to be one of their grandkids. So, what do these people […]
Chuck Norris quits movies and fights to save his wife from MRI side effects November 15, 2017
They don’t come much tougher than actor Chuck Norris. If you’re a fan of his action films, you know that the bad guys can’t run from him… and he never misses his target! But right now he’s given up his Hollywood career to save his wife Gena — and it’s the hardest fight of his […]
In chronic pain? Try this time-tested treatment first! November 15, 2017
It’s the alternative treatment for pain that can no longer be ignored. But despite reams of recent data proving “clinically meaningful results,” many doctors still refuse to admit it. How much more do doctors need to know before they accept acupuncture as a legitimate way to treat pain… and stop writing prescriptions for opioids and […]
Could you be “under the influence” and not even know it? November 8, 2017
It’s something you might do without even thinking twice. You wake up with the sniffles and take a cold remedy before leaving for work. Or maybe you pop a blood pressure pill as your doctor instructed. And the next thing you know, you’re pulled over and cited for… driving under the influence, otherwise known as […]
How to catch a cold or the flu in a day's worth of errands November 1, 2017
You conscientiously wash your hands before eating or cooking… carefully keep raw meat and chicken from contaminating your kitchen… and always wipe down those shopping cart handles. But as it turns out, the biggest risks for encountering sickening microbes can also be found in some very surprising places — ones you probably never think twice […]
How to keep your pets safe on the scariest night of the year October 30, 2017
If someone were to try to invent a holiday that would spook our pets as much as possible, Halloween would be it! Imagine how hard it can be on your dog to have that bell ringing — with monsters at the door, no less — all evening. For my pups — Maci, my Shetland sheepdog, […]
FDA OKs drug linked to high cancer risk for kids October 26, 2017
What uses won’t the FDA allow when highly risky drugs are involved? That seems like a fair question to ask after the agency said it had no objection to the psoriasis med Stelara being given to kids as young as 12 years old. We’re talking about a drug that has been found to send the […]
Control IBS without putting your life in danger October 2, 2017
Did the FDA approve a risky IBS drug that may work no better than an OTC med for diarrhea? That’s just one of the important questions that every patient who gets an Rx for Viberzi, a heavily promoted drug for IBS, it should be asking. In fact, the med has so many dangerous side effects […]