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Surgery patients put at risk by operating-room 'water hazard' November 5, 2015
Imagine opening your mailbox today and getting a letter that stops you in your tracks. It says that a heart surgery you had years ago — one you thought you’d put in your rearview mirror — may have left you with a serious infection. One you’ve never realized you had, but that has been wrecking […]
Another state says "no shots, no school" November 4, 2015
What’s worse than forcing one of the most dangerous vaccines around on hundreds of thousands of schoolkids? How about giving them a double dose of it instead! New York has just become the latest state threatening to yank kids out of classrooms if they don’t roll up their sleeves for government-mandated vaccines. A new law […]
Urgent: Widely used antibiotics could put you at risk of sudden death November 3, 2015
It can be the most serious health emergency of your life. Without medical help, you’ll be dead in two hours. Even if you get to a good hospital on time, your chances of survival are still only 50-50. I’m talking about when an aneurysm on your aorta — the main artery in your body — […]
New high-tech Rx-writing system can still make deadly mistakes October 28, 2015
It’s a $27 billion fiasco. And too many Americans are paying for it — with their lives. The Obama Administration spent a fortune incentivizing doctors’ offices to switch to a snazzy new electronic prescription system called eRx. If you’ve had an appointment with your doc recently, you probably saw eRx firsthand. Just a couple clicks […]
ACS breast-cancer screening revisions still get it wrong October 26, 2015
I don’t think the moon landing got this much press! You probably saw it covered by CNN, The New York Times and just about every other media outlet you can imagine. The American Cancer Society has just revised its breast cancer screening guidelines, claiming you can start mammograms later and get them less often. One […]
Bad health advice could turn metabolic syndrome deadly October 22, 2015
Ready for a quick health check-up? Are you or someone you love suffering from at least three of the following symptoms: Excess belly fat, High triglycerides in your blood, Low levels of HDL (“good” cholesterol), High blood pressure, and High fasting blood sugar? If so, there’s a good chance you’ve been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome […]
This overnight constipation cure gets you moving— and keeps you moving—without any side effects October 19, 2015
Together, the four healing herbs in GalileEase tea can cure your constipation problem, no matter how long you’ve felt stuck.
'Forgotten vitamin' can actually put your heart risk into reverse October 15, 2015
You’re not as old as you feel — you’re as old as your arteries say you are. Because arteries that are damaged, blocked and hardened” with a buildup of plaque can cause all the diseases that go hand-in-hand with old age. I’m talking about high blood pressure, angina, arm and leg pain, kidney failure, and […]
Some simple precautions can keep this deadly infection at bay October 15, 2015
There’s no doubt that football is one of the most dangerous sports out there. Especially if you’re playing in the NFL. But what most likely will end the career of Giants tight end Daniel Fells wasn’t a tackle gone wrong, but a microscopic foe that invaded his foot. One that strikes fear in hospitals everywhere […]
Is gastric bypass surgery causing a wave of suicides? October 14, 2015
Are you being bullied into a surgery that could cost you your life? If some surgeon has ever tried to talk you or someone you love into getting gastric bypass weight-loss surgery, you’ve heard the threat — if you don’t get the operation, you’re going to die. But it looks like there’s a whole lot […]
Feds and powerful medical group curtailing care for Lyme patients October 13, 2015
Are major insurance companies making billions by keeping you in constant pain? For months — maybe even years — you’ve been limping around on aching, swollen joints. Some days you’re so zapped of energy that you can’t even get out of bed. You’ve been told that you don’t have Lyme disease any more. That it […]
Could this be a simple fix for a daily source of torment? October 12, 2015
There’s no doubt that diabetic nerve pain is agonizing. It’s a form of nerve damage that can cause numbness and a shooting, burning sensation — like pins and needles — especially in your hands and feet. You can become so sensitive that even having a bed sheet touch you is excruciating. And if you have […]