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Mainstream medicine reached two enormous and shameful milestones in 2011 December 29, 2011
As for mainstream medicine, 2011 brought two huge milestones — marking the end of two eras that prompted plenty of outrage. As I mentioned just a few days ago, Merck executives have agreed to pay out nearly $1 billion in civil and criminal fines to finally settle the deadly controversy over Vioxx — the arthritis drug whose name will forever define Big Pharma greed and negligence. The shame of Vioxx is obvious. Much less obvious is the shameful outrage of a nearly useless pill that produced billions of dollars for Pfizer and completely transformed the way doctors treat heart conditions. I’m talking about Lipitor, of course.
Make your brain happy -- give it the vitamin it craves December 22, 2011
Your brain has a powerful craving. So go ahead — indulge. A review of vitamin D research reveals two reasons why the vitamin is so important to brain health…
Stop this toxic world from poisoning you with nature's ancient cure December 13, 2011
Have you noticed that you’re feeling exhausted all the time… for no obvious reason? And your blood pressure is up, and your doctor doesn’t have a solution, except another pill or ten. You have mysterious, seemingly unrelated symptoms—like muscle and joint pain, memory loss, new allergies, appetite loss—that seem sudden and don’t really make sense, symptoms your doctor can’t quite pin a diagnosis on. Your doctor’s not looking in the right place. Because with these types of symptoms, believe it or not, you may be a victim of toxic heavy metal exposure.
Protect your liver and your overall health with this indispensible B vitamin November 30, 2011
The next time you’re in a crowded space — at the mall filled with holiday shoppers, at a football game, in a busy restaurant — take a look around and consider this: In the people you’re observing, about one in every four has a disease called NAFLD. Even more disturbing — most of them have no idea they have it because they have no symptoms. In fact, most of them have probably never even heard of it.
With the end of an era of a blockbuster drug, a national health emergency looms November 21, 2011
Lipitor is no ordinary drug. It’s the Big Kahuna of statin drugs and the most successful prescription medication in history. If a drug makes $1 billion per year it’s considered a blockbuster. For 15 years, Lipitor has consistently made about $1 billion per MONTH. But that oversized gravy train is about to shriek to a sudden halt when Pfizer’s Lipitor patent finally runs out and the price for generic Lipitor plummets from around $4 a day to about 25 cents a day, and possibly even less.
How could "experts" approve such a potentially dangerous plan for kids? November 17, 2011
Just when you think the crazy world of vaccines can’t get any crazier, well…you’re crazy wrong. To beef up preparation for an anthrax attack, an expert panel has advised Health and Human Services that it’s time to seriously consider testing the anthrax vaccine on kids younger than 18.
Agitation in dementia patients can be reduced without drugs October 4, 2011
One of the things that makes dementia so cruel is how it steals every bit of a loved one from you. I remember watching my friend Pete’s dad go from forgetful to confused before he lost his memory completely and then started getting hostile.
Bacon – the vegetarian's Achilles heel September 12, 2011
Vegetarians have a deep, dark secret. Under the right circumstances, many of them succumb to the seductive allure of bacon. According to an NPR report, many vegetarians (pregnant or not) find bacon to be a “gateway to meat.”
Want to grow new neurons in your brain? It's actually pretty easy September 8, 2011
Today you have new brain cells you didn’t have yesterday. And in the near future there may be a drug you can take that will nurture those new brain cells to help them grow and survive.
Hearing loss needs to be reconsidered as a major health threat September 7, 2011
Now, new research suggests that hearing loss might actually be a warning sign that a very serious health threat is underway.
And another thing… July 14, 2011
Researchers at the National Institute on Aging have added a new item to the list of health concerns linked to synthetic hormone replacement therapy: brain shrinkage.
Muscle damage link to statin drugs goes deeper than we thought June 16, 2011
Last spring, the FDA first warned that the highest dose of Zocor (a statin drug) may increase the risk of muscle damage. Now, more than a FULL YEAR later, the agency has finally gotten around to telling Merck (the maker of Zocor) to change the drug’s label to show that the 80 mg/day dose raises risk of muscle damage which could be severe enough to completely shut down kidney function.