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Here's another excellent reason to avoid aspirin therapy January 31, 2012
One half of all Americans over the age of 65 take a daily aspirin to reduce risk of heart attack and stroke. That is 50%! And, about one-in-three middle aged Americans do the same. That’s appalling. It means that the brainwashing has worked and millions of people are putting their health at risk every day in return for scant protection from cardiac events.
Can we really call it "news" if we saw it coming a mile away? January 31, 2012
The other morning, barely awake, my bleary eyes were open just wide enough to read a crawl across the bottom of the TV screen. Two items zipped by so quickly they almost seemed like they were part of the same story…
If your liver could send you one warning, this is what it would be... January 26, 2012
If your liver could talk…well, that would be annoying. But if your liver could speak just once and give you one piece of guidance, it might be this: “You are what you drink.” What your liver is talking about is fatty liver disease.
How you can avoid a prolonged hospital stay and increased risk of fatal infection January 19, 2012
Hyperglycemia is associated with prolonged hospital stay, increased incidence of infections and death in non-critically ill hospitalized patients.
Do not fall for this very common, very dangerous medical myth January 11, 2012
“Higher daily dose of aspirin could play key role in preventing heart attacks for those with diabetes.” That’s a headline from a University of Alberta (UA) press release. Now here’s a headline that appeared in MyHealthNewsDaily the very same day: “Common Painkillers May Increase Risk of Irregular Heart Rhythm.” Unfortunately, it’s not fiction. But it could be tragic for any diabetics who are persuaded to take a substantial dose of aspirin every day.
When a drug is touted as a potential cancer-fighter, beware the side effects January 9, 2012
Once again, drug researchers are trying to get you to play “Let’s Pretend.” In this case, they’re hoping to convince you that a drug used by type 2 diabetics might help prevent cancer — even in non-diabetics.
How to make hearts skip a beat at the American Heart Association January 5, 2012
Is red meat bad for you? Just ask any mainstream nutritionist and they’ll stare at you, aghast. Of COURSE red meat is bad for you! It causes heart disease and type 2 diabetes! In their dreams.
America has a serious potato problem -- specifically, a "couch potato" problem January 3, 2012
Can repeated viewings of The Voice or Glee or Modern Family cause type 2 diabetes? There is no evidence that television causes diabetes. But SITTING in front of the television, hour after hour — yes, that does appear to increase your type 2 risk.
Mainstream medicine reached two enormous and shameful milestones in 2011 December 29, 2011
As for mainstream medicine, 2011 brought two huge milestones — marking the end of two eras that prompted plenty of outrage. As I mentioned just a few days ago, Merck executives have agreed to pay out nearly $1 billion in civil and criminal fines to finally settle the deadly controversy over Vioxx — the arthritis drug whose name will forever define Big Pharma greed and negligence. The shame of Vioxx is obvious. Much less obvious is the shameful outrage of a nearly useless pill that produced billions of dollars for Pfizer and completely transformed the way doctors treat heart conditions. I’m talking about Lipitor, of course.
Make your brain happy -- give it the vitamin it craves December 22, 2011
Your brain has a powerful craving. So go ahead — indulge. A review of vitamin D research reveals two reasons why the vitamin is so important to brain health…
Shocking new research about BPA in canned foods -- it's worse than we thought December 13, 2011
I never trusted food in cans. Not sure why. Maybe it was the smell, the shape, or that it just seemed fake to me. In any case, years ago I made a decision to stop eating canned food and quickly found that it was actually pretty easy to live without the convenience.
Protect your liver and your overall health with this indispensible B vitamin November 30, 2011
The next time you’re in a crowded space — at the mall filled with holiday shoppers, at a football game, in a busy restaurant — take a look around and consider this: In the people you’re observing, about one in every four has a disease called NAFLD. Even more disturbing — most of them have no idea they have it because they have no symptoms. In fact, most of them have probably never even heard of it.