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Beware of this newly-approved dangerous diabetes drug duo November 30, 2016
There’s a new double-barrel danger pointed right at those with type 2 diabetes. The FDA just approved another diabetes drug, one called Xultophy. However it’s pronounced, it’s a two-headed monster that should never have been allowed on the market. And there’s a back story behind this twofer med, one that you need to know about […]
Aspartame can make you a sitting duck for diabetes November 29, 2016
Despite all the bad news you’ve heard about aspartame, you might still think it can help you drop some pounds. After all, it has no calories, right? Well, a new study has hopefully busted that aspartame myth once and for all. Researchers have confirmed that not only won’t it help you lose weight, but aspartame […]
Does a diagnosis of prediabetes do you more harm than good? November 24, 2016
It’s one of Big Pharma’s favorite fake diseases – prediabetes. And now, a group of mainstream researchers are trying to pressure doctors into turning as many of their patients as possible into prediabetics with two new studies. But instead of preventing diabetes, that trick is much more likely to start you up on a lifetime […]
EXPOSED: Diabetes drug scam Scientists say attacking blood sugar is not the answer November 2, 2016
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Study finds two diet sodas can double your risk of type 2 diabetes October 27, 2016
It’s about time we call soda what it really is — diabetes in a bottle. And I’m not just talking about the kind with high fructose corn syrup in it, either. A new study is proving (again) that soda — including the diet kind — can put you on the fast-track to a lifetime of […]
The detox plan that can reverse your diabetes symptoms in 30 days September 21, 2016
There’s no doubt that diabetes takes over your life. From the moment you wake up to that last finger prick of the day, there’s no respite from the feeling that you’re walking around with a label that says: “I’m a type 2 diabetic.” And it doesn’t matter if this is all new to you, or […]
Is this the real reason for the mysterious rise in type 1 diabetes? August 24, 2016
If you have a child or grandchild with juvenile diabetes, you know that managing it is practically a full-time job. Last year we were told that juvenile, or type 1 diabetes, is on the rise, but nobody really knew why. They thought it might be because of higher birth weights… or some strange virus… or […]
Is your water upping your risk of diabetes? August 24, 2016
The numbers are almost unbelievable. Right now, close to 30 million Americans have type 2 diabetes. The reasons, as we’ve all been told, are genetics and lifestyle. Things such as being obese and not eating a healthy diet. But there’s something else. You might say it’s the best kept secret there is about type 2 […]
How to keep stress and anxiety from bringing on type 2 diabetes June 30, 2016
You could think of it as a domino effect — one motion sets the whole group falling. Only in this case, it’s your health that starts to tumble out of control. Researchers have found that constant stress can do a lot more harm to your body than you could ever imagine. In fact, it could […]
Post-market study shows diabetes med ups your chance of losing a leg May 23, 2016
If you or someone you love is diabetic, I’m sure you’ve gotten the hard sell about how important it is to take your meds. Skip those pills or injections, the mainstream will tell you, and you’ll be on the fast track to heart disease, blindness, and kidney failure. You may even need to have your […]
Healthy seniors suckered into longevity study with risky diabetes med May 2, 2016
For countless seniors, it’s become like dashing off a letter to Santa Claus. Dr. Nir Barzilai is being flooded daily with letters and phone calls from seniors who are practically begging to be part of his new clinical trial. And it’s all because Dr. Barzilai and his colleagues are claiming they may have found the […]
New research finds low-fat dairy actually increases risk of diabetes April 14, 2016
It’s about time to do away with that low-fat dietary myth once and for all. For decades we’ve been told that whole-fat dairy products will make us fat and clog our arteries. And how did the so-called experts come up with that notion? No one is quite sure. It’s just one of those things that […]