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Eat 2 cups of this for year-long skin PROTECTION October 3, 2023
Friend, even though the leaves are starting to change and chill autumn mornings are back… That doesn’t mean you should STOP protecting your skin from harmful UV rays! Because the fact of the matter is, skin cancer and damaging UV rays don’t only happen on those sunny beach days. Meaning, you need to actively defend […]
A “milk” that KILLS cancer cells? September 21, 2023
Cancer cells may be microscopic… But they can GROW and mutate faster than the Incredible Hulk. Fighting back doesn’t mean you deserve miserable from TOXIC cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation… or permanent scars as a tradeoff for removing tumors on the operating table… And today, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have […]
END diabetic nerve pain in 3 weeks? September 20, 2023
Friend, if you have diabetes, your blood sugar isn’t the only thing you need to be mindful of… You also need to worry about diabetic neuropathy. That’s the BURNING and TINGLING pain that can occur in your fingers, hands, feet, and toes… It can make the most mundane and routine tasks feel like absolute AGONY. […]
“Hushed” herb HEALS entire body? September 18, 2023
Pop quiz. What’s the primary culprit behind most pain and disease? Did you guess the right answer? It’s INFLAMMATION! So, the more you can control inflammation… the better you’ll feel. Unfortunately, mainstream medicine isn’t too keen on offering NATURAL solutions to stop inflammation. But a new study offers a different—and natural—path to halting health-damaging inflammation. […]
A single vitamin fends off DEMENTIA? September 14, 2023
We all want to stay sharp as a tack—especially as we age. But for millions of innocent Americans, this simply isn’t a realty… as many slowly succumb to life-shattering brain diseases like DEMENTIA. What if I told you that you don’t have to surrender to memory loss as part of the ‘aging’ process… And that […]
Type 2 diabetes: A hidden DANGER? September 13, 2023
There’s a laundry list of health risks that come with type 2 diabetes. From frequent urination and increased thirst… to obesity and heart disease. When left unchecked, type 2 diabetes can put you in the crosshairs of some pretty serious conditions. And now, researchers have discovered a NEW danger of type 2 diabetes… one that […]
Detect dementia with a SELFIE? (Weird!) September 13, 2023
The WARNING signs of damaging brain diseases, like dementia, can go unnoticed for years… And because conditions like this have no CURE… it’s important to take every precaution to detect the disease EARLY. Thanks to some groundbreaking research, using your PHONE could soon be a powerful tool to help detect brain diseases early. University of […]
“Temple” oil naturally soothes IRRITATING skin conditions September 5, 2023
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A “cholesterol” that FIGHTS Alzheimer’s? August 31, 2023
Maintaining optimal cholesterol levels is at the top of the list when it comes a healthy heart. But what if I told you that staying on top of your cholesterol can work wonders for other parts of your body… … Like your BRAIN? Here’s the scoop… If you’ve ever gotten a cholesterol test, there are […]
Over HALF of Americans admit to this medicine DANGER August 29, 2023
The average person reaches into their medicine cabinet over 460 times each year. That means there’s a high chance you’re rummaging through your medicine cabinet every single day! Maybe it’s to reach for something as simple as shaving cream or deodorant… Or a prescription medication… But every time you open that cabinet door, there’s a […]
Less “mistakes” in 20 minutes? (Study) August 23, 2023
Head in the clouds… Cobwebs in the attic… Senior “moments” … These are all tongue-and-cheek phrases we sometimes associate with mental sharpness—or lack thereof! The reality is, these moments happen to everyone. But research has found that carving out just 20 minutes to perform this simple move… can help SHARPEN your brain… Leading to less […]
Added pounds destroying your MEMORY? August 16, 2023
You KNOW it’s important to watch your weight. Because carrying a little extra around your mid-section doesn’t just make your clothes fit tighter… Carrying extra pounds increases your risk of deadly diseases like heart disease, stroke, and even type 2 diabetes. And even after all your best efforts… keeping a healthy weight can feel nearly […]