Nobody wants to live out their “golden years” with a smile full of gums.
Fortunately, we no longer have to resort to robbing graves or chopping wood to make sets of “false teeth”…
But once we replaced these natural materials with synthetic ones in our modern-day dentures… we opened a Pandora’s box of health issues.
Your doc might NEVER trace their origins to the work your dentist has done in your mouth.
Whether you’re missing just a couple of teeth… or you need your entire set replaced… here’s what you could be setting yourself up for.
And if you’ve experienced “mystery symptoms” that might suggest a nerve or movement disorder, here’s why you should look into your mouth FIRST.
Mystery… solved!
The mainstream thought it had solved all our dental implant issues when it exposed the dangers of zinc-containing dental creams and adhesives back in 2011.
So-called “experts” THOUGHT the nerve damage… mobility issues… and other neurologic symptoms would DISAPPEAR.
They HAVEN’T. And here’s why.
Today’s dentures are made with some combination of three major materials:
- porcelain
- metal, and
- plastics.
Some porcelain teeth on dentures aren’t PURE porcelain (which is relatively safe)… but porcelain baked onto metal.
Putting metal in your mouth comes with all sorts of problems.
Which brings us to the second material predominantly found in dentures.
The metal wires used to keep the teeth in place can contain stainless steel or nickel chromium.
The framework of the dentures (including any clasps or clips) can be chrome cobalt.
And the rods implanted into your jawbone can be titanium.
ALL of these metals conduct heat, which can turn the inside of your mouth into an OVEN with one spoonful of hot soup.
And they can ALL make your food taste metallic.
Mainstream dentistry CLAIMS that these metal materials are compatible with your body…
But you could STILL have an allergic reaction to them… or WORSE.
Chrome cobalt is notorious for causing adverse tissue reactions and bone loss in the jaw… which is why many dental professionals have switched to titanium.
But titanium has been associated with precancerous cell growth in the mouth… and ALL dental implants can aggravate existing oral cancers.
That’s not all. Just ask Dick van Dyke.
In 2013, he solved the mystery behind an undiagnosed neurological disorder – one that had been giving him headaches and insomnia for SEVEN YEARS.
He removed his titanium-based dental implants… and EVERYTHING returned to normal.
Experts agree that the metalwork can interfere with the electric currents in your head, even causing brain fog in severe cases.
But let’s not forget about the plastic parts of dentures.
Despite the fact that many folks are ALLERGIC to plastic chemicals…
More and more of these prosthetics are being made ENTIRELY out of acrylic, a synthetic resin made – like other plastics — from petroleum.
This plastic is increasingly replacing porcelain teeth AND metal framework… and “standing in” for a natural-looking gumline.
Put simply, resin dentures are cheaper to make… and cheaper to fix if they break.
Even though they DON’T shatter if you drop them (the way that porcelain ones will), they DO get worn down…
And that wear and tear means you could be EATING plastic… with EVERY bite!
A hot cup of coffee is enough to warp the plastic…
Even if you follow ALL instructions to a T… and take care of your dentures PERFECTLY… they can off-gas chemicals.
Your saliva is enough to degrade the polymethyl methacrylate in your denture base!
In fact, it’s when dentures are BRAND-NEW that you’re dealing with MOST of the chemicals — like BPA, formaldehyde, methyl methacrylate, and phthalates — leaching out and into your mouth.
Which ones and how much are YOUR dentures exposing YOU to?
Only its maker knows.
NO AGENCY requires manufacturers to disclose all of the materials used in their products.
If you MUST get an acrylic prosthesis, make sure it’s cadmium-free. Red cadmium is often used as a pigment to color the resin base a natural pink tone to mimic your gums.
And even trace amounts of it has been shown to be TOXIC… especially over long periods of time.
Your permanent dentures are SUPPOSED to last at least five to seven years….
And that’s long enough to do some real damage.
Your best bet is to visit a holistic dentist, who’ll evaluate your potential allergies and sensitivities and recommend the best approach for your overall health.
If you can’t find one near you, cough up the extra cash to get the best dental replacement you can get with the highest quality materials.