I think cellphone companies are secretly trying to tell us something.
After all, you rarely, if ever, see someone in one of their TV pitches using these devices as an actual phone!
They show people taking selfies, getting directions, watching movies and ball games, and listening to music… but these wireless companies just don’t appear to be encouraging putting one next to your ear.
And there’s a good reason why.
As we’ve been telling you here in eAlert, exposure to cellphone radiation is probably one of the biggest risks you face day in and day out. And holding one of these devices up to your head or stashing it close to your body has clearly been linked to cancer and genetic damage.
Now, a new study has found that cancer isn’t the only thing we have to worry about. The radiation given off by these devices can also harm specific areas of the brain that have to do with memory – especially for teens.
It has truly never been more important to realize just how powerful the equipment you’re holding in your hand actually is — not only in terms of what it can do for you, but what it can do to you.
But by taking three simple steps, you can enjoy the conveniences these devices have to offer… without putting your health on the line.
Keeping your distance
The wireless industry has been fighting scientists for decades over the risks that cellphones pose – and it has even managed to get regulators from the FDA, FCC, and CDC in its pocket.
But the debate over cellphone safety has by no means been settled in the powerful industry’s favor.
Some well-credentialed reinforcements have just arrived to challenge Big Wireless – a group of international researchers including ones affiliated with a public-health institute in Switzerland and a scientist out of the University of California Berkeley’s Wireless Research Center.
This team analyzed the cellphone-use patterns of almost 700 teens in Switzerland to figure out what their cumulative “brain dose” of the radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) radiation added up to… and how they held their phones.
It uncovered frightening news for any parent or grandparent.
The researchers found that the brain damage from cellphone RF-EMF exposure can add up, impairing both verbal and figural (or visual) memory.
But the most telling part of this study is that the harm was much more pronounced in the kids who held the phones to the right side of their heads, which just so happens to be the precise location where figural memory is located in the brain.
Other types of cellphone use — such as playing games, texting, and Internet browsing — substantially reduced RF-EMF exposure and weren’t found to carry the same risks as plastering one of these devices next to your ear.
And this measurable decline in memory was apparent after only one year! Can you imagine what they might have found had the study continued for longer?
Considering that nearly all teens use these devices practically 24/7, it’s shocking to learn that this study (and another one done three years ago by these same researchers) represent the first and only attempts to measure the effects of cumulative cellphone radiation exposure on adolescents.
And while kids are more vulnerable to cellphone radiation, there’s plenty for adults to be concerned about as well.
Extensive research done using rats, for example, has found that RF-EMF exposure can cause DNA damage, lymphomas, liver cancer, and rare and deadly tumors around the heart.
Then, there’s the long-standing question of whether cellphone use is a cause of brain tumors.
Industry shills will tell you that the evidence isn’t conclusive… or even that it doesn’t exist at all.
But as I told you just a few months ago, a shocking investigation into Big Wireless found that it has been manipulating everything we’ve been told about the “safety” of these devices for decades.
Despite that stranglehold, however, the International Agency for Research on Cancer recently classified the kind of radiation cellphones give off as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”
And when it comes down to the bottom line of liability, not one insurance carrier contacted by those researchers said that it would sell a policy covering any potential harm caused by cellphone radiation.
The one saving grace here is that wireless radiation drops off quickly — meaning that the more distance you put between yourself and your phone when it’s turned on, the better!
And by faithfully following these three rules, you can benefit from the convenience of having a smartphone without endangering your health.
#1: Never put one of these devices next to your ear! Use the speakerphone or a headset. Text whenever possible instead of calling.
#2: Don’t carry a turned-on phone in your bra or shirt, jacket, or pants pocket.
#3: At night, either turn off your phone or put it far away from where you’re sleeping — never under your pillow or on a nightstand next to your head.
And remember, when the bars (or dots) on your phone indicate that the signal is weak, it sends out more radiation to try to make a connection. If you don’t need to use it, put it in “Airplane Mode” or, better yet, turn it off completely.
“Mobile phone radiation may affect memory performance in adolescents, study finds” Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, July 19, 2018, ScienceDaily, sciencedaily.com