The truth is out.
It’s now impossible for anyone to try and sell you on the idea that Roundup – and its “active” ingredient, glyphosate — isn’t all that dangerous, be it the EPA, FDA, CDC, or any other Monsanto shill out there.
A just-published, carefully conducted study by researchers from the University of Caen Normandy in France has blown that argument right out of the water — once and for all.
Because researchers are now saying that it’s not the glyphosate on its own, but the other ingredients in Roundup that are so deadly.
So, here’s why steering clear of Roundup – and every other weed killer containing glyphosate — isn’t just a good idea, but something you and your family can no longer afford to put off for another minute.
The secret sauce
This may be the most important health finding to come to light in decades. And guess what? As far as I can tell, not one major media source has reported on it yet. Not CBS, CNN, NBC, none of them.
I guess their corporate owners didn’t want to rock the advertising boat, right?
Whatever the reason this study was suppressed in the media, it’s not going away. And we’re not afraid to tell you about it, either!
For the very first time, researchers have taken a close look at the so-called “inert” additives that end up in Roundup (and other glyphosate-containing weed killers). And what turned up included highly toxic heavy metals such as lead, chromium, nickel, and arsenic.
They’re some of the most toxic substances known to man – yet, because they’re not considered “active,” you don’t find these ingredients listed on the label.
And the whole kit and caboodle is sprayed over every imaginable kind of food crop out there (more on that in a moment).
The French researchers conducted numerous tests on both the chemical glyphosate alone and the way it’s used. And those “extras,” the scientists said, are what’s really responsible for the “toxic effects” of these herbicides.
This might explain why different tests on glyphosate turn up very different results.
For example, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the World Health Organization) found glyphosate to be a “probable carcinogen.” But testing done by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) didn’t come to the same results.
The reason for that, the researchers explained, is that the EFSA only looked at the active ingredient – glyphosate.
IARC, on the other hand, conducted studies on the “full formulations” – those that also contain arsenic, lead, and other heavy metals.
But how does this witches’ brew of toxins get into Roundup in the first place?
First, glyphosate is “never used alone” in agriculture, said the French scientists. It’s always mixed up with other chemicals – namely “oxidized petroleum distillates or derivatives,” a complex blend of solvents derived from crude oil.
The heavy metals may end up in the final products due to contamination by industrial waste or, perhaps, by being deliberately added.
And that make sense, because these potent extras may be necessary for these weed killers to effectively do their jobs – sort of the “secret sauce” that turns them into such potent killers.
The authors of this new study believe that any and all research that looks at glyphosate alone (such as what the FDA might do in setting residues for the food we eat) is therefore “inappropriate” and needs to be revised ASAP.
But considering how much of this chemical has been used over the last 44 years… with all of these heavy metals contaminating our food AND groundwater… if something isn’t done soon, we’ll all be up this toxic creek without a paddle.
Thankfully, there are a few important things you can do right now.
First, where you and your family are concerned, make sure you follow these three steps:
#1 Genetically modified crops are “created” so that they can be sprayed in the field with glyphosate. So, for any food item that contains the big four GMO crops (soy, canola, corn, and sugar beets, a common source of sugar), you have two options – ones labeled GMO-free or organic.
#2 Opt for organic when buying lentils, peas, dry beans, and potatoes or anything containing wheat, flax, barley, or oats. Those are the top non-GMO commodities most likely to be sprayed with the chemical post-harvest.
#3 Never, ever buy Roundup or any other glyphosate-containing weed killer for use around your home.
And there’s something else.
The EPA is currently conducting a “registration review” for a number of herbicides and pesticides — something the agency does every 15 years. One of the chemicals up for review just so happens to be glyphosate, and this is your chance to give the EPA your opinion on whether the use of Roundup and other glyphosate-containing products should be allowed to continue.
You can let federal regulators know that they can no longer pull the wool over our eyes!
Go to, and put this into the search box: EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0361. And do it soon, as the official comment period ends on April 30 — just under a week away.
“Toxicity of formulants and heavy metals in glyphosate-based herbicides and other pesticides” N. Defarge, J. Spiroux de Vendomois, G.E. Seralini, Elsevier,