If there was something you could do RIGHT NOW to increase your chances of surviving cancer…
And it was as simple as taking one little pill…
What in the world could EVER stop you?
Problem is, the mainstream has got you CONVINCED that you’re POWERLESS against cancer – and that ONLY THEY know how to make it go away.
But the sad truth is, many conventional cancer therapies don’t work. Some cancers RESIST multiple types of chemo… no matter how many drugs you throw their way.
And even when some therapies APPEAR to erase your cancer…
The disease could come back with a vengeance.
Well, I’m here today to tell you that you DO have the power to fight cancer… and maybe even help make some of those conventional treatments MORE effective.
I’m talking about some of the most COMMON cancers… with the HIGHEST mortality rates.
It’s not a sickening new drug… or anything that’ll POISON you, for that matter.
But it could help your EXISTING treatment plan work better… and even help shore up your body’s own defenses, too.
Could you become IMMUNE to cancer?
Genistein is a type of flavonoid that was first isolated in 1899 — from a plant in the legume family called Genista tinctoria, more commonly known as “Dyer’s greenweed.”
Today, it’s typically associated with soybeans… which contain the highest levels of genistein in nature… and soy-based products like tofu.
Since scientists first synthesized it in a lab in the 1920s, they’ve discovered its potential to fight liver… gastric… colon… lung… cervical… and prostate cancers…
And even INVASIVE forms of breast cancer.
And it’s not JUST because it works as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory!
According to a 2015 meta-analysis, genistein can also…
- INDUCE cancer “cell suicide” (a.k.a. apoptosis)
- INTERRUPT the cancer cell cycle
- INTERFERE with angiogenesis (a.k.a. vessel formation in tumors), and
- INHIBIT cancer spreading (a.k.a. metatasis).
And a 2019 meta-analysis describes the MULTIPLE ways that genistein modifies the genetic expressions that can contribute to cancer development and progression.
That may include BRCA1, the gene that works to SUPPRESS tumors – and the mutation of which is associated with hereditary breast cancer.
Genistein may actually “fix” anything that’s gone wrong with BRCA1… and “un-silence” its expression.
I know what you’re thinking – isn’t soy supposed to be BAD for cancer?
Well, it turns out that in estrogen receptor positive cases of breast cancer, the estrogen-mimicking qualities of soy-derived genistein help ATTACH to estrogen receptors… without triggering the NEGATIVE effects of estrogen!
According to a 2017 study out of Georgetown University, the trick may be getting genistein into your system EARLY enough… BEFORE cancer fully takes hold.
That’s when this compound could possibly help you build an IMMUNITY to cancer!
If that doesn’t make mainstream medicine sit up and take notice, here’s something else that might…
Genistein appears to exhibit SYNERGY with conventional cancer drugs that don’t always work on their own… like tamoxifen, docetaxel, and adriamycin.
That makes it a good candidate for what’s called “combination therapy” – something Big Pharma should EMBRACE in order to make their drugs look better.
Fortunately, you don’t need their blessing… or a prescription… to incorporate genistein into your cancer-fighting plan.
Don’t worry — I’m not going to tell you to adopt a soy-rich diet. Soy is one of the top GMO crops in the world… and many folks have a hard time digesting it.
If you do choose to incorporate soy into your meals, make sure it’s fermented – like natto. As I’ve shared with you before, eating it could be part of the secret to longevity.
You can also get smaller amounts of genistein from legumes like chickpeas (a.k.a. garbanzo beans) and broad beans…
But your body can’t absorb nearly as much as it needs to fight cancer just from the food you eat.
The good news is that genistein is available as a supplement… which can provide HIGH doses and in a form your body can readily use.
You can find it as part of a “soy complex”… or a “soy isoflavones” formula.
Check the label to see whether the genistein has been derived from soy versus a non-soy source, like mushrooms… and whether it’s been fermented to increase the genistein content.
Non-GMO options are also available.
Now, most of the research conducted on genistein has been in vitro – or, in a lab dish. But several human clinical trials have shown that it’s SAFE for humans to consume .
We just need more human studies to show EXACTLY what genistein can do for people just like you and me.
To planting a seed for cancer survival,
Melissa Young