You know how important it is to take care of your heart health – and at EVERY stage of life.
But keeping your blood flowing through your body… with ZERO obstacles in the way… is going to help ALL of you healthy.
Even WELL into your “golden years.”
You might already be taking fish oil supplements to support a healthy cardiovascular system…
Because you know omega-3 fatty acids are at the top of the heap when it comes to heart protection.
But you might want to think twice about HOW you’re getting your omega-3s.
There might be a better way…
I’m talking about a Scandinavian trick that comes from the “Gateway to the Arctic.”
If your blood pressure is already in the normal range, it can help KEEP it there – even if some other factors might otherwise make it SPIKE.
And it can alleviate other factors that can STRESS your heart, too.
Here’s what’s got the mainstream running scared… and why you shouldn’t let Big Pharma dissuade you from trying it.
The ‘jewel’ of the sea?
In the North Seas off the shore of Norway… near the Arctic Circle… the waters are CHOCK FULL of a type of plankton called Calanus finmarchicus, or just “calanus” for short.
It’s technically a TINY animal – or zooplankton – that eats even tinier types of sea-dwelling plants, called phytoplankton.
In fact, this the miniscule crustacean is most abundant creature on the planet – by land or by sea. (Though, in this case, we’re talking about the sea.)
And believe it or not, it’s the main food supply for some of the LARGEST animals on earth… WHALES.
The calanus is an oily little creature – and scientists have figured out how to extract its natural lipid content to create a heart-healthy “marine oil.”
And that’s got the mainstream running scared.
According to the ultra-mainstream medical news site Medscape , marine-based dietary supplements… like calanus oil… are NO substitute for Big Pharma’s new prescription-only version of omega-3s.
I beg to differ.
And it’s not just because NATURAL omega-3s are far more affordable than any pharmaceutical versions that some drug companies will cook up.
So far, the research supporting calanus oil is ROCK SOLID.
Drug companies CLAIM that you can’t get a “clinical dose” of omega-3s from anything other than a pharmaceutical source…
But it turns out that the AMOUNT of omega-3s you ingest isn’t the ONLY factor you’ve got to consider.
Just as important is the FORM of omega-3s!
Now, I’ve shared with you right here in eAlert how important it is to get BOTH of the critical forms of omega-3 fatty acids — DHA and EPA.
Not all “fish oil” supplements contain both of them… but calanus oil DOES.
Some even consider calanus oil ROYALTY when it comes to natural ways to get your omega-3s.
Compared to other “seafood sources” of omega-3s… like cod liver and krill… studies have shown calanus oil to be more POTENT.
That’s because your body digests it differently – which INCREASES the “uptake,” or the amount absorbed.
Calanus oil ALSO contains an unusually high amount of an EPA precursor… or a “pro-EPA” fatty acid… called stearidonic acid (SDA).
That SDA content helps deliver a powerful anti-inflammatory action – something that’s particularly helpful right inside the walls of the blood vessels.
Calanus oil shows the potential, for instance, to help keep your arteries from forming plaque and hardening – including the most important artery in your body, the aorta.
And you know how wide, flexible blood vessels can help keep your blood flowing PERFECTLY.
In fact, a 2016 animal study showed how calanus oil can help beat back hypertension… particularly in the systolic or “top” number.
There’s one other unique characteristic about calanus oil you should know…
It gets its ruby-red color from a pigment (or “carotenoid”) called astaxanthin.
You won’t find astaxanthin in regular ol’ fish oil supplements…
But it’s one of the reasons why some experts claim that krill oil… which DOES contain astaxanthin… is SUPERIOR to other marine sources of omega-3s.
You see, astaxanthin, a well-researched antioxidant, works in combination with omega-3s –in terms of BEATING BACK not only inflammation, but also oxidative stress.
What sets calanus oil apart from krill oil is the molecular composition of the omega-3s…
That helps those fatty acids get delivered EXACTLY where your body can most easily absorb them.
Human clinical trials that scientists have conducted so far have shown how safe calanus oil is for us to take.
in Europe, officials granted it “Novel Food” status in 2017. Since then, companies have launched it in several European countries, including France.
One option for you here in this country is sold under the brand name “Arctic Ruby.” Look for it online.
To not settling for anything less than the best,
Melissa Young