When you were younger, maybe you didn’t think so much about your longevity…
But as the years pass… and your “expiration date” gets closer… you may be wondering how you can extend your time in this realm before you move on to the next.
One of the biggest factors that can ACCELERATE human aging is oxidative stress.
For some, it can DESTROY their health.
So obviously, you want to keep oxidative stress at bay… before its damaging effects become IRREVERSIBLE.
And that can support a healthy inflammatory response, too.
Fortunately, researchers have discovered a trick to SLOWING THE CLOCK DOWN… in the healthiest way known anywhere.
It’s the smallest molecule in the universe – so small, in fact, that it’s got NO TROUBLE reaching every tissue in your body.
That includes your brain.
It can even PENETRATE the deepest reaches of your cells!
And when it does, it could SLOW DOWN aging… on a CELLULAR level.
It works by moderating the damage that naturally occurs with age in your genetic material (DNA)… stem cells… mitochondria… and even proteins.
It’s been shown to REVERSE inflammation… and even BEAT BACK organ dysfunction and damage!
Believe it or not, it’s a special kind of hydrogen — one that you may have never heard of.
And you’ll love how EASY and CONVENIENT it is.
Prolong your health… with just a few sips of THIS?
I’m talking about molecular hydrogen.
In 2007, researchers discovered that it doesn’t just beat back oxidative stress like a regular ol’ antioxidant.
It reduces EXCESSIVE oxidative stress… without interrupting the BENEFICIAL reactive oxygen species (or “free radicals”) you need for your body to function properly!
That’s right — H2 only fights the DESTRUCTIVE molecules!
And it leaves the pro-oxidant molecules that serve as messengers ALONE to do their job… uninterrupted.
One of those beneficial free radicals I’m talking about is superoxide – a component of the longevity enzyme superoxide dismutase/catalase, which animal studies have shown to EXTEND lifespan.
In a 2010 study on real people, consuming molecular hydrogen was linked to a 39% increase in SOD.
I’m also talking about nitric oxide. You know how it can promote healthy blood flow… but there’s more.
In one groundbreaking animal study, administering NO prolonged life by a staggering 15%!
And that’s because it can ALSO boost mitochondrial function… trigger cellular repair… and even improve a major indicator of longevity located at the ends of your DNA strands (a.k.a. your telomeres).
How many older folks are supplementing with SOD and maybe even NO too… but they’re NEUTRALIZING their effects with antioxidants that don’t discriminate?
In fact, it’s even possible to OVERDOSE on antioxidants – that is, reducing oxidizing molecules so much that it causes an entirely DIFFERENT damaging state, called “reductive stress.”
That’s just a shame…
Because while they’re WASTING time, molecular hydrogen could be PROTECTING them against neurodegeneration… brain injury and damage… vascular dysfunction and disease… lung injury… and even the progression of type 2 diabetes!
And it could be MAXIMIZING their energy metabolism, too.
Molecular hydrogen could even have the potential to SUPPRESS dementia.
Now, molecular hydrogen works best when you make a habit out of taking it.
Thankfully, it’s easier to get in this country than in Japan… where docs administer intravenous injections of hydrogen-rich saline.
American hospitals have started using molecular hydrogen as a “medical gas” that you inhale…
But you can only get it in a clinical setting… so they can control the dosage… and make sure it doesn’t start any fires! (Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable.)
That’s not very convenient for you. And haven’t you spent ENOUGH time in doctors’ offices?!
A better option is drinking molecular hydrogen-rich water.
Now, you know that regular ol’ water ALREADY contains some hydrogen – that’s the “H” in “H2O.”
But hydrogen-rich water contains even MORE hydrogen – generally around 0.8 to 1.2 parts per million (ppm).
Compare that to tap or bottled water, which typically contains less than 0.0000002 ppm of hydrogen!
And while there are plenty of reasons to drink ANY kind of water on its own, that’s WELL below the therapeutic level of hydrogen needed specifically for longevity.
You can find hydrogen water in ready-to-drink pouches or cans – generally in aluminum packaging, since the gas can escape through plastic.
But those can be expensive… and IMPOSSIBLE to take with you.
Fortunately, you can get H2-generating tablets at your local health food store or online.
Drop a tablet into a nice big glass of filtered water (room temperature is better than cold)… let a little over a minute pass… and then drink it right away. (The gas can escape your glass after too much time passes.)
Molecular hydrogen doesn’t taste or smell like anything… so it may SEEM like you’re drinking just regular water.
The FDA has granted hydrogen-infused water Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status…
But check with your doc just to be sure molecular hydrogen is safe for YOU.
To supercharging your water,
Melissa Young