Unbelievably, Labor Day is right around the corner!
That means that the kids are going back to school… the pumpkin spice lattés are about to reappear… and before we know it, there will even be a nip in the air.
But it couldn’t be happening soon enough for Big Pharma, which is champing at the bit to kick off its yearly cash-cow event known as flu season.
Just one drugmaker has already shipped out 50 million doses of influenza shots… and included in that cargo are millions of vials of Fluad, the “special” flu shot for seniors.
You’ll hear how it’s “different from other flu shots,” as it contains an “immune-enhancing ingredient” that will help those over 65 years old fight the flu better.
It almost sounds like some beneficial additive, maybe vitamins C or D or even zinc… all proven immune enhancers.
But what makes Fluad so different is something that drugmaker Seqirus would rather you didn’t know too much about. Because that special ingredient could make Fluad one of the most dangerous things to ever happen to seniors.
Just ask some of the experts who have spent years researching what’s now believed to have devastated the health of thousands of American soldiers who served in the first Gulf War.
Summer’s not over just yet, but already the flu ads have already started playing.
And the first one out of the starting gate is for Fluad, a vaccine approved by the FDA just three years ago for seniors. It’s all about happy, active seniors who “don’t have time” to come down with the flu.
You would never suspect that one of its main ingredients has a dark past.
All of the hype about why Fluad is so different comes from it containing MF59, which is a chemical added to jumpstart your immune system, called an “adjuvant.” In this case, the adjuvant is an “oil-in-water emulsion of squalene oil.”
And if you check that out on the CDC’s webpage, it will sound like this MF59 is as safe as a lollipop. The agency reassures us that squalene is “a naturally occurring substance in animals and plants.”
But while that may be true, it doesn’t make it any safer.
You see, it’s well documented in animal experiments that when squalene is injected, it can set off a reaction that causes the immune system to go on the attack, triggering autoimmune diseases such as RA, MS, and lupus, as well as horrific injuries to the nervous system and brain.
Squalene-laced shots, in fact, are what many experts believe destroyed the health of thousands of vets who served in the first Gulf War. This secret (and unapproved) ingredient was added to the experimental anthrax vaccine, which is now thought to be the real culprit behind Gulf War Syndrome.
But even before that, in 1999 dozens of pilots at Dover Air Force Base were reporting adverse reactions from shots that contained the adjuvant. As reported by Stars and Stripes, rather than be forced to take vaccines that contained squalene, many airmen left the service, and one senior officer resigned.
And for years, the Pentagon refused to admit that the shots even contained squalene! Finally, some testing was done that proved they did, and the powers that be could no longer deny it.
At that time, Dover AFB Commander Colonel Felix Grieder went so far as to suspend the vaccine program at the base after hearing reports of aviators with severe joint pain, blackouts, dizzy spells, vertigo, and rashes. Many developed debilitating arthritis.
And once armed with all of this information about how young and healthy men and women in the military reacted to this adjuvant, what did the FDA do?
Why, it went ahead and gave MF59 the OK to be injected into seniors!
So, what was once a secret ingredient that caused a colonel to put the brakes on vaccinations to protect the health of his pilots is now one of the contents of the latest and greatest flu shot being advertised for older Americans.
What could possibly go wrong with that?
Fluad aside, as we’ve told you, flu shots in general aren’t worth a wooden nickel.
Not only do they not work, but getting a flu shot – any flu shot – is a very risky way to try and stay healthy during the fall and winter months.
Several published studies have found that those who receive a jab every year, as we’re told to do, are much more likely to come down with the flu. It appears that the more shots you get, the less protection (if any) a vaccine provides.
The best way to stay on your game during flu season is to do whatever you can to keep your immune system in excellent working shape. And you can do that by taking real immune enhancers (such as daily probiotics) and keeping up with zinc, vitamins D and C and immune-boosting foods such as coconut oil, as well as filling your plate with colorful fruits and veggies.
And when you see all of that flu-shot propaganda next time you’re out shopping in the drugstore or supermarket, just keep on walking… with your sleeves rolled down!
“50 million flu shots shipped to prevent influenza during 2018” Don ward Hackett, August 10, 2018, Precision Vaccinations, precisionvaccnations.com