In just one short month, kids all across Rhode Island could be yanked out of their classrooms — or even barred from entering their schools.
These children aren’t being punished for bad grades — or even poor behavior.
Their only crime is that they didn’t roll up their sleeves for the dangerous human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines Gardasil or Cervarix.
Just weeks after California passed a forced vaccination program for school kids, Rhode Island is risking thousands of students’ safety by forcing all seventh graders to get vaccinated against HPV, which can lead to cervical cancer.
Unless they get their shots, these kids won’t be allowed to attend public or even private schools.
It’s part of a frightening new program that was practically passed in secret — and that includes state health officials traveling around the state lying to parents about the life-threatening risks of these vaccines.
A shot across the bow
Many Rhode Island parents don’t know what to be more upset about.
The fact that the state is forcing an incredibly dangerous vaccine on their kids — or the shady tactics that Rhode Island health officials used to trample parents’ rights.
You see, the new vaccine requirement was passed by the Department of Health as an administrative rule — not a law. That means there was hardly any public debate and elected officials never got to cast a vote.
It was medical coup by a handful of state health officials.
One that undermines what should be “a private health issue between parents and their kids,” according to Michael Stenhouse, CEO of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity.
In fact, many Rhode Island parents are just now learning about the new rule — one month before they’ll be forced to comply with it — and they’re up in arms.
Concerned parents formed a coalition called Rhode Islanders Against Mandated HPV Vaccinations that has more than 1,700 members on social media so far. The group has started a petition drive to repeal the regulation.
And state health officials are trying to tamp down the revolt with a statewide “educational” tour that features the same lies about Gardasil and Cervarix we’ve heard over and over again.
Tricia Washburn, chief of the office of immunization for the Rhode Island Department of Health, even told the Providence Journal that “at this point, we have no evidence to suggest there are any serious side effects” to the vaccines.
No evidence? Someone get these health officials a newspaper subscription — or a working Internet connection.
Since Gardasil first hit the market in 2006, it’s been linked to seizures, paralysis, and even deaths. Our government’s Vaccine Injury Compensation program has already paid out $6 million in settlements for HPV vaccines — and there are still more than 100 claims pending.
The European Union recently ordered a new review of the safety of HPV vaccines after a Danish documentary told the stories of several girls whose lives were ruined by the shots. And Japan has completely stopped recommending the vaccines because of safety concerns.
I’ve shared my own personal battle with cervical cancer to prove that we can beat this disease without these dangerous shots. And plenty of other women have come forward to help expose the risk of these same vaccines that Rhode Island is now claiming are safe.
“If I could stop one parent from giving this vaccine to their children, it would be worth it,” said Gardasil victim Shayna Enos, who has suffered from debilitating pain and chronic fatigue syndrome since getting the vaccine seven years ago.
But these stories don’t seem to be stopping — or even slowing — the push to get every child in America jabbed with Gardasil and Cervarix.
In fact, the medical journal Vaccine just published an article — written by two authors with deep ties to the drug companies — that called for giving HPV shots to newborns and infants.
Have you ever heard something so insane? We’ve seen what these shots can do to strong, healthy teens and young adults — can you imagine the risks of injecting this poison into an eight-pound baby?
The fact is, Big Pharma, the mainstream — and even some of our political leaders — will stop at nothing to take away our rights to decide what’s best for our kids.
Even if you don’t live in Rhode Island or California, it’s a good idea to get in touch with your representatives and let them know exactly where you stand. Because a forced vaccination scheme may not have made its way to your state yet — but you could be next.
“Rhode Island to mandate HPV vaccine for all 7th graders” Linda Borg, July 28, 2015, Providence Journal,
“HPV vaccinations for infants — ‘be worried'” August 2, 2015, The Edgy Truth,
“Reframing cervical cancer prevention. Expanding the field towards prevention of human papillomavirus infections and related diseases” PubMed,