[Warning] Is this the hidden reason why you’re feeling sick?
It’s an Obama disaster right up there with his health plan fiasco.
A “smart” way to save energy that would become a lasting part of his so-called legacy.
Billions of tax dollars have been spent, using excuses such as making us more energy efficient, saving consumers money and bringing our power grid system into the 21st century.
But instead, we got a secret “swap-out” of our familiar electric and gas meters with what’s called a “smart” meter.
Sounds innocent enough, but these new devices have been making people all over the country very, very sick.
You may already have one of these “smart” meters at your home and not even know it.
Over the past few years utility companies have been secretly coming onto people’s property, removing their electric and gas meters and installing these new ones.
Smart meters (sometimes called “advanced meters”) are digital utility meters equipped with wireless transmitters that communicate back to utility companies.
And that’s where the smart part ends.
Because here is what’s really happening:
- People are being overcharged — many for hundreds of extra dollars a month — for gas and electric use. Some utility companies have admitted to the overcharges, others say the higher bills are because these meters are much more accurate. And lawsuits have been filed, including some class-action cases.
- The meters are causing home fires and shorting out appliances. Last year, for example, a string of home fires in Nevada were linked to installation of these new meters. And just last month Nevada Energy was forced to give state officials over 1,000 pages of documents as part of an official inquiry about the fires.
- Smart meters can spy on us. These meters can track us, collecting detailed data about every appliance we use and when we use it. Like Santa, utility companies — and hackers — will even know when we’re sleeping and when we’re awake.
- And if you’ve ever wondered what all those “smart” appliances are about — ranges, refrigerators, dishwashers and even televisions — well, this is it. Once you have one of these things in your home it “talks” to the smart meter about how and when it’s being used. And, of course, it will be talking to anyone else who is “listening.”
But the invasion of our privacy is just a drop in the bucket. Even more frightening are the health problems people are suffering after these meters have been installed.
They work by giving off pulsing microwave radiation. And these bursts go on thousands and thousands of times a day, 24/7.
Some people have become sick immediately, with problems such as headaches and migraines, palpitations, high blood pressure and insomnia. It took others several months before they became ill with a wide variety of symptoms.
For example, a 16 year-old boy with diabetes went into dangerously high blood sugar levels after a smart meter was installed at his home. Months later, after his mother discovered the link and removed it, his blood sugar became stable again.
Utility companies like to say that the radiation smart meters give off is just a fraction of what we get with cell phones. But studies have found that’s just not true — and that the radiation these meters are exposing us to can be hundreds of times more powerful.
Plus, you can always turn a phone off. Once a smart meter has been installed in your home it runs all day and all night long.
Now, as you might have guessed, people everywhere are trying to put a stop to this insanity. Groups around the country have sprung up to help people get these dangerous devices out of their homes.
And the people involved are strange bedfellows…from the leftist of left-wing environmentalists all the way to card-carrying Tea Party members.
Many have started websites, filed lawsuits and given instructions on how you can lock up your old analog meter so the utility company can’t take it from you.
But now, you may not need to post an armed guard by your house to stay safe.
That’s because utility companies all over the country have begun giving us a “right” that should have been ours all along.
The right of refusal.
So if a smart meter has already been installed at your home, call your utility company and tell them you want to “opt out.” And if it hasn’t — yet — you still need to voice your protest and go on record as not wanting one.
And let them know you’re happy to keep seeing that old-fashioned meter reader show up at your house.
“Power savings of smart meters prove slow to materialize” Matthew L. Wald, December 5, 2014, The New York Times, nytimes.com
“NV Energy turns over documents in smart meter inquiry” Anjeanette Damon, December 19, 2014, Reno Gazette-Journal, rgj.com
“How to tell if I have a smart meter” Smart Meter education network, smartmetereducationnetwork.com