Chain of Fools
Given the billion-dollar profit levels of drugs that target heart problems, how do you feel about a government employee – whose salary is paid by you and me – schilling for major drug companies who make those drugs?
Angry? Me too!
I’m not saying this employee receives money from drug companies, I’m just saying that she recently went out of her way to put a VERY positive spin on the VERY unimpressive results of a new drug trial.
And guess what? The mainstream media played right along, giving patients with type 2 diabetes the clear impression that aggressively high doses of a cocktail of heart drugs is the logical way to prevent heart disease.
To paraphrase an old Aretha Franklin song: Shame, shame, SHAME – shame of fools.
Sifting through the sands
You can tell this new trial is intended to be important, because it has an acronym: SANDS (Stop Atherosclerosis in Native Diabetics Study). It’s also published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, and was funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health. In other words, it’s got mainstream pedigree to spare.
In a nutshell:
- Researchers recruited 500 American Indians: each subject was over the age of forty, had type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure
- Subjects were divided into two groups: one group aimed to reach “standard” recommended LDL cholesterol and blood pressure targets, and one group was “aggressive” in aiming for substantially lower targets
- For three years, study clinicians examined each subject once every three months, adjusting doses of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs and blood pressure drugs as needed in order to reach standard or aggressive targets
- Ultrasound was used to track atherosclerosis in each subjects’ carotid arteries
Results: Subjects in both groups met their standard or aggressive targets. Atherosclerosis decreased in the aggressive group, but actually increased in the standard group. Rates of cardiovascular disease events (such as heart attack) were about the same in both groups.
Before we move on to the mad spinning of these results, let’s stop to put the spotlight on a very revealing detail: About 250 type 2 diabetics with high cholesterol followed a standard statin drug regimen for three years, and their atherosclerosis progression didn’t stop, it ADVANCED. If I’m diabetic and my doctor has convinced me to sign on for a lifetime of statin use, that’s not quite the outcome I would expect to see.
And were there adverse side effects? Absolutely! Here’s how the SANDS authors summed up the risk-benefit ratio in JAMA: “The lack of difference in occurrence of events and the increase in adverse events and serious adverse events attributable to the BP lowering raise the possibility that there may not be favorable long-term outcomes.”
And let the spinning begin!
Welcome to the statins all-you-can-take buffet
Here’s the title of the press release NHLBI sent out to announce the SANDS results: “Cholesterol, Blood Pressure Control May Reverse Atherosclerosis in Adults With Diabetes.”
Right – as long as you don’t mind the “serious adverse events” from the very high doses that you’ll be required to take for the rest of your life.
And here’s the headline Reuters news service went with: “Drug Regime Reverses Heart Disease Risk.” And that’s quite true as long as you completely ignore the details.
Dr. Elizabeth Nabel, NHLBI director, gave Reuters this shiny bright load of happy-talk: “For the first time, we have evidence that aggressively lowering LDL cholesterol and blood pressure can actually reverse damage to the arteries in middle-aged adults with diabetes.” Of course, Dr. Nabel is well aware that a patient must commit to a lifetime regimen of very high doses of statin drugs in order to push LDL levels as low as they went in the SANDS trial.
Way to promote those statins, Dr. Nabel!
The NHLBI press release also offered this quote from the lead author of the study, Barbara V. Howard, Ph.D.: “Our message to doctors, nurses, and patients is that you can reach your goal levels, and we should work together to help you do that.” In other words: We should work together to sign you up for the mega-statin lifetime plan.
Here’s another quote from the NHLBI release: “Medications used in this study were donated by First Horizon Pharmacy, Merck and Co., and Pfizer, Inc.”
And we’ll finish up with this note from MedPage Today: Dr. Howard reported serving on the advisory board of Merck.
There you have it. With friends like these, diabetics don’t need enemies.
“Effect of Lower Targets for Blood Pressure and LDL Cholesterol on Atherosclerosis in Diabetes” Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 299, No. 14, 4/9/08,
“Cholesterol, Blood Pressure Control May Reverse Atherosclerosis in Adults With Diabetes” National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute press release, 4/8/08,
“Drug Regime Reverses Heart Disease in Diabetics” Andrew Stern, Reuters, 4/8/08,
“Mixed Results with Aggressive Risk Reduction in Diabetic Patients” Charles Bankhead, MedPage Today, 4/8/08,