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Fluroide can actually damage teeth

Urban Legend

Remember back in the 20th Century when people actually believed that fluoride in their drinking water was GOOD for them! Ah, it was a simpler time back then.

Here in the 21st Century well, it’s early yet, isn’t it? I think it’s safe to say that millions of Americans would still be shocked to find out that fluoride can actually DAMAGE teeth and compromise their health in other ways.

But that perception will change considerably by the time we reach the end of this century. By the mid-2090s fluoridation of public water systems will seem like a bizarre urban legend. Did they really do that? No way! They put an industrial by-product in the water and told people it was good for their teeth? That can’t be right.

The truth about fluoridation has circulated outside the mainstream for many years. But the first blip finally showed up on the mainstream radar last month when, for the first time, a panel of scientists associated with the U.S. government hinted that fluoride is not quite as safe and sound as it’s cracked up to be.

Riding too high

Would your local government actually put something in your water that isn’t good for you?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established 4 mg per liter as the maximum safe concentration of fluoride in drinking water. But according to a report in the Los Angeles Times, late last month a 12-member panel of scientists from the National Research Council (NRC) unanimously agreed that the EPA maximum poses a danger and should be lowered.

The NRC panel concluded that children who are exposed to the EPA fluoride maximum are at risk of developing enamel fluorosis, a condition that prompts tooth enamel loss, discoloration and pitting of the teeth. The report also stated that a lifetime intake of that much fluoride raises the risk of bone fractures.

Most people are not exposed to 4 mg of fluoride per liter because most public water systems only reach a maximum of about 1.2 mg per liter. But some communities have water supplies or individual wells that contain naturally occurring fluoride. And here’s the most unsettling part: Industrial pollution also adds to the fluoride load.

Not mentioned in the report is the fact that some bottled waters now have fluoride added. In the e-Alert “Where the Yellow Went” (7/15/02), I told you about a brand of water called “Fluoride To Go” geared toward parents who want to give their children even more fluoride than they’re currently getting from tap water, naturally occurring fluoride and industrial pollution.

Recommended dose: whatever!

The NRC report reflects one of my biggest gripes with public water fluoridation: no control of dosage. It’s like being force-fed a supplement. Imagine your doctor saying, “You must take this supplement. You have no choice. The dosage may vary depending on where you live, but don’t worry, it’s good for you.”

And how good is it? In a Daily Dose e-letter titled “Fighting Back Against Fluoride” (10/31/03), William Campbell Douglass II, M.D., listed a few of the known health problems associated with fluoride intake:

  • In animal trials, fluoride has been shown to enhance the brain’s absorption of aluminum (the toxin shown to contribute to Alzheimer’s disease)
  • Several osteoporosis studies have associated hip fractures with fluoride intake
  • When too much fluoride is consumed, teeth can become discolored and crumble

And in the e-Alert “Public Enemy” (8/15/05), I told you about a 2001 thesis paper from a Harvard doctorial candidate in which data showed that boys who drink fluoridated water between the ages of five and 10 may have an increased risk of bone cancer.

This new report from the NRC doesn’t dispute the widely accepted belief that fluoride is good for us. Heavens! We wouldn’t want to upset anyone! But it’s only a matter of time before more mainstream reports appear and it gradually dawns on the public that the goodness of fluoridated water really is an urban legend.


and another thing

An HSI member named Ron asks: “Is there any remedy for loss of some kidney function? What supplements help kidney health?”

Needless to say, kidney malfunction is a very serious health condition, so I assume that Ron is under a doctor’s care. And Ron’s first question should only be fielded by a physician who understands the cause of Ron’s kidney problem, how long the condition has been present, family medical history and other important variables.

The second question is somewhat simpler.

Albumin is a protein that transports various substances in the blood stream. When too much albumin is excreted in the urine, it’s a clear sign that the kidneys may be in trouble. In the e-Alert “Take 2” (7/28/03), I told you about a study that showed how regular intake of vitamins C and E may help lower albumin excretion rate (AER).

A low-protein diet is also recommended to protect at-risk kidneys. And although kidney stones are not necessarily indicative of kidney disease, research shows that a low-protein, low-salt diet offers better protection against kidney stones than the traditionally recommended low-calcium diet. Managing blood sugar levels and blood pressure is also crucial.

In a 2004 Health eTips e-letter, a reader whose mother had chronic kidney failure asked Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., about using a supplement called chitosan.

Dr. Wright: “Chitosan is most popular for its effectiveness as a weight control supplement. It is extracted from the shells of crustaceans, such as shrimp and crab, which means that if your mother has an allergy to shellfish, it’s not an option for her. If not, however, she may want to consider it. A study published a few years ago clearly showed a benefit to dialysis patients who took chitosan. Half of the 80 study participants took 1,450 milligrams of chitosan, three times daily for 12 weeks; the other half didn’t take any chitosan. After the study period, researchers reported that the patients who took chitosan reported less fatigue and shortness of breath, and improvements in appetite, sleep, and feelings of physical strength. Their kidney function also appeared better, and they suffered from less severe anemia – a common problem in those with chronic kidney failure. And there were no significant side effects reported.”

One word of caution: HSI Panelist Allan Spreen, M.D., tells me that chitosan blocks absorption of fat in the intestines, so extended use may also block intake of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. So before using chitosan, Ron should consult with his doctor.

To Your Good Health,

Jenny Thompson

Tap into the minds of other health-conscious readers like yourself at the new HSI health forum:


“Too Much Fluoride Allowed in Water Supply, Panel Says” Marla Cone, Los Angeles Times, 3/25/06,
“EPA Standard for Fluoride in Drinking Water Not Protective” The National Research Council, National Academies, 3/22/06,

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